2021-2022 Computer Vision Architecture
Update Sept. 1 2021: IMU + Frame merging will be its own module and FramePreProc will only consist of the frame filter from IMU data.
Update Oct. 28 2021: TargetMapping will not be implemented for this iteration unless time permits, target tracking will take its place.
QR System:
Architectural Principles and Abstractions
Modules encapsulate functionality and state. Functionality involves a set of operations that can be independent or dependent on input data.
Modules communicate using pipelines which are implemented as queues. Pipelines behave as the interface between different modules and carry data between them.
Modules run in their own thread, the thread runs a worker function which manages input and output pipelines, module state, and applies the functionality inside the module to generate output data.
Interfaces are entities external to any module. Interfaces can be a library, file locations, or an API.
Flowchart (Flight System)