Autonomy Onboarding Archive

Autonomy Onboarding Archive

THIS DOC HAS BEEN MOVED TO https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/2301362245




Welcome! We are excited that you have expressed interest in the Autonomy subteam at WARG. To learn about what Autonomy does at WARG, take a look at our introductory presentation:



https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AD/pages/1697349760 is the onboarding package, please follow all steps here!

https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BOOT/pages/2299756545 has instructions for the bootcamp every member must complete

Current Autonomy Architecture Overview:

All current architecture documents are here: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CV/pages/1889828938

  • We are still transitioning from the 2023 competition to 2024 as the CONOPS has not yet been released by AEAC (ETA 2023 September): https://www.aerialevolution.ca/

Previous architecture documents are here: Architecture Archive

Autonomy Documentation:

WARG uses Confluence for documentation. Documentation is important! Written communication is an important skill to hone for collaboration. Time is valuable, knowledge is valuable.

List of Projects:

NOTE: YOU are responsible for the documentation of any code you write!

  1. IMACS 2.0

  2. Airside System

  3. Pathing

  4. ML Model

  5. LTE Communication

Details and timelines for the projects:

Next Steps:

Go to the #project-selection channel on discord, ping Autonomy leads (you can use the tag @Autonomy Leads) and list 5 projects from most to least wanted in the format of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5., and indicate whether you are in person or online this term. (See the pinged message for example) We will try our best to accommodate you.
Join Autonomy meetings every Monday 9 pm - 10 pm EST in E5-2103 or online.