Autonomous Systems


An autonomous system is composed of several parts, and the detail of each part is different at each level. Knowing which motors to control to rotate a few degrees is contrasted by calculating which waypoints to visit for a fastest route.



Sensory data is the first thing that an autonomous system requires to be able to function. This data can range from sensors directly on the system itself, a networked mesh or cloud, transponders and other broadcasts, to publicly available information such as traffic or weather.

The data is then processed to update the system’s model of the world. This model includes:

  • Ego: Where the system is located in relation to the world and where it will be

  • Static environment: Where non moving objects are located

  • Dynamic environment: Where moving objects are located, their behaviour and intent, and a prediction of where they will be in the future


Once the autonomous system has a model of the world, it can make a decision on what action to take next. This can be random from a set of probabilities that update based on the model, a selection of what it believes to be the best action, or something else. The autonomous system’s behaviour can be programmed to be more aggressive, conservative, or favour some actions more than others.


Once the autonomous system has made a decision, it needs to make it occur in the physical world with actuators. The entire process repeats with new sensory data.


Each part of an autonomous system is different at different scopes. There are many ways to divide scope.


  • Red: Perception

  • Blue: Decision

  • Green: Control

Autonomous Cars

And other ground vehicles.


Perception (Ego)

Perception (Static)

Perception (Dynamic)

Mission Execution (Decision and Control)


Perception (Ego)

Perception (Static)

Perception (Dynamic)

Mission Execution (Decision and Control)


Road network pose:

  • Next intersection

  • Next turn

  • Distance to destination

  • Distance until empty

Global mapping:

  • Roads

  • Bridges

  • Train track crossings

  • Buildings

Traffic summary:

  • Congestion

  • Road closures

  • Accidents

  • Speed traps

Route navigation:

  • Google Maps


Lane level pose:

  • How far to left and right line

  • Lane index (e.g. 0 is leftmost)

Road configuration:

  • Lane markings

  • Is lane ending

  • Type of lane (e.g. bus, exit)

  • Signs and traffic signals


  • Type of object

  • Moving object intent

Behavioural planning:

  • Continue in same lane

  • Switch lanes

  • Accelerate/brake


System state:

  • Speed

  • Steering wheel angle

  • Oil temperature

Static objects:

  • Location

  • Time to collision

Moving objects:

  • Location and direction

  • Time to collision

Motion control:

  • Actuator command

AEAC 2023 Student UAS Competition

WARG competition drone.


Perception (Ego)

Perception (Static)

Perception (Dynamic)

Mission Execution (Decision and Control)


Perception (Ego)

Perception (Static)

Perception (Dynamic)

Mission Execution (Decision and Control)


GPS coordinates

Waypoint locations


Path optimization:

  • Order of waypoints


Local position relative to waypoint location

Locations of possible landing pads and false positives


Search and pick a landing location


Local position relative to landing target

Single landing pad


Landing attempt:

  • Descend to landing pad

  • Abort


System state:

  • Position

  • Altitude

  • Orientation (rotation)

  • Battery voltage

  • Motor RPM

Static objects:

  • Landing pad


Motion control:

  • Flight controller

  • Actuator command