Git setup

If you have already setup Git, you do not need to set it up again.

  1. If you haven’t already, download and install Git: Git

    1. Git should already be installed on Linux and MacOS.

  2. Windows (Linux and MacOS users skip step): Set line endings.

    1. Check: git config --get core.autocrlf

      1. If it is true or input , you do not need to set anything.

    2. Set: git config --global core.autocrlf [setting] .

      1. --global is optional, and replace [setting] with either true or input

      2. When in doubt, use input

    3. Additional information here: Git - Git Configuration

  3. Configure Git with your name and email: How to Configure Git Username and Email Address

    • --global if you want to use it as the default, otherwise it will just be for the current repository.

    • You can use your anonymous GitHub no-reply email.