Temporary Asana Dump
Flight Controller:
Microsd card slot
card must be SPI interface, around confluence requirements there may be more details
something from this list prolly https://www.molex.com/molex/search/deepSearch?pQuery=category%253A%2522Memory%2BCard%2BSockets%2522%2540productname%253A%2522microSD%2BCard%2522
dont do the one on ZP2 cuz the pins are the wrong way around. make sure whatever is chosen here has pins the right away around and is easy to work with!
https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/molex/5027740891/1952535 ?
This task is marked as complete by Daniel but marked incomplete by Aidan
current & voltage sense
do we even wanna do this?
voltage sense is easy, we want to do this, current sense is more complicated, do we wanna do this
Voltage Sense from VBAT to ADC:
Voltage divider with R1 = 280k, R2 = 16.2k. 60V->3.28V, 24V->1.32V
280k (Yageo 0603): https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/yageo/RC0603FR-07280KL/727112
16.2k (Yageo 0603): https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/yageo/RC0603FR-0716K2L/726967
3.3V zener diode: https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/onsemi/MM3Z3V3B/1626765
Let me know if this looks alright for voltage sense
IO Connector Sourcing
List of things we need to pinout from MCU, from confluence:
7 GPIO for onboard LEDs
4 GPIO for offboard LED driver (most likely neopixel)
1 GPIO for ARM/DIsarm function
1 PWM for Buzzer on arm/disarm board
8 PWM DMA for motors
4 PWM normal for servos
1 PPM for RC receiver
1 SWD/SWO connector pins for programming
2 I2C for general purpose
3 SPI for SD Card, IMU, & other (place pullup footprints on everything except SD card)
6 UART@Kevin Li going to look into this task as well: https://www.molex.com/molex/products/family/slimstack_fine_pitch_smt_board_to_board_connectors?parentKey=micro_connectors
Looking for 30 or 40 pin connector for board to board connection with very low mated height, something like the below, but we have to actually be able to purchase it.
this is the hardest schematic task we have left.
ZP3 Schemetic
Finish FootPrints
1210 General CAP
1210 General RES
General 0603 LED (.LED_0603)
(Red, Green, Yellow) LED (APTF1616SURKCGKSYKC)
Primary Layout
Primary Routing
Order ZP3 Primary PCB
Dev Interface Board
Fuses Sourcing
Maybe we leave this out, this seems expensive and a lot of work for what it's worth.
derek wright meeting will give more context
moving to flight interface board
they absolutely make smaller efuses for this application IIRC
Flight Interface Board
most of this task is sourcing the connector type we want to use here, this task may be handed off to sysint?
Arm/Disarm Connection Circuitry
speaker driver, led driver, button input receiving
this will go on the flight interface board.
Arm/Disarm Board
Michael Botros will be assigned this if he's interested and has finished bootcamp