Requesting a Flight Test
Step 1: Create a Draft Flight Test Request
Use the following button to draft the flight test: . Fill out what you want to test and any other preliminary info.
Step 2: Schedule Flight Test
Find a time that works for the required people (use flight-staging channel in discord)
Remember you need a pilot to fly
Book the training grounds: Testing Locations
Step 3: Update template with all the required info and correct date
Everyone should know at this point if they’re required and what the plan of action is.
Step 4: Fly!
Use the checklists in the flight template the days before to help the flight test go well.
Step 5: Post Mortem
Follow up on your learnings in the flight test document. This is essential for good communication and team learning.
Step 6: Post Mortem
After the template (and RCA if necessary) is complete, move the page to “Flight Test History”.
If you need help, reach out in discord to the Flight Test Coordinator or Leads
Past flight test Coordinators (including but not limited to the following): Tony, Gordon (Spring 2022); Anthony Luo (Fall 2022), Hardy Yu, Suraj, Aaron (Winter 2023)