2024-07-15 Leads Meeting

  • Attendance

    • @Daniel Puratich

    • @Alison Thompson

    • @Derek Tang

    • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

    • @Jerry Tian

    • @Maxwell Lou

    • @Megan Spee

    • @Nathan Green

    • @Nolan Haines

    • @Smile Khatri

    • @Tong Zhang

  • Director Vote

    • To be announced @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

    • Epic Speech:

      • on team for a while

      • done lots of logistics

      • secured phase 1 win

    • discussed

    • voted on in meeting

      • all in favor, 10 leads in call agreed

  • Co-op Postings

    • 2x EE Postings

    • No EFS co-op, don't have enough for them to do

    • 1x Autonomy posting

    • no mech

    • no ops

  • Maybe we talk some comp ideas? No.

    • Preview released via email.

    • Comp sync tomorrow, Nathan is likely to be able to make it!!

    • Save for comp sync, let people think, get non-leads involved!

    • No big design decisions until real CONOPS is released, just brainstorming

      • Last year scope changed a lot when the official CONOPS released from their initial preview so don’t commit too much to any ideas.