2024-07-15 Leads Meeting
@Daniel Puratich
@Alison Thompson
@Derek Tang
@Georgia Westerlund
@Jerry Tian
@Maxwell Lou
@Megan Spee
@Nathan Green
@Nolan Haines
@Smile Khatri
@Tong Zhang
Director Vote
To be announced @Georgia Westerlund
Epic Speech:
on team for a while
done lots of logistics
secured phase 1 win
voted on in meeting
all in favor, 10 leads in call agreed
Co-op Postings
2x EE Postings
No EFS co-op, don't have enough for them to do
1x Autonomy posting
no mech
no ops
Maybe we talk some comp ideas? No.
Preview released via email.
Comp sync tomorrow, Nathan is likely to be able to make it!!
Save for comp sync, let people think, get non-leads involved!
No big design decisions until real CONOPS is released, just brainstorming
Last year scope changed a lot when the official CONOPS released from their initial preview so don’t commit too much to any ideas.