Style Standards

Files and Folders

Files and folders should be named with all lower case letters with underscores between words. This style is called snake case.




Constants and defines should be named with all caps and underscores between the words

#define CHEESE_WIZ 0

Class Names

Classes should be named with Pascal case, which means that the first letter of each word is uppercase, the rest are lowercase, and no spaces.


class CheeseWiz {};


Functions should be named with camel case, which is pascal case, but with the first letter lowercase


Member Variables

Member variables should be in camel case with an underscore after it


Structs should be named with pascal case and an _t at the end


Enums should be named with pascal case and and _e at the end. The values of the enum type should be the style as constants.

Block statements

Block statements should have the opening paranthesis on the same line as the keyword. This applies for loops, if statements, methods, and classes.


please put a space between the // and the comment text