How IMUs Work

How IMUs Work

This page will be focused on explaining how each of the components on IMU works, disenchanting these delicate electronics.


Basic Idea

  • You can imagine the internal of an accelerometer to be two pieces of conductive metals attached to springs while leaving a dielectric gap between them.

  • The combination of two metallic plates leaves a dielectric gap that forms a classic capacitor100%

  • With the area A and permittivity ϵ known, capacitance C measured, we could calculate the distance between the plates d

  • Since the plates are attached to a spring, we can know the force F applied to the spring by formula F = k (Δd)

  • By Newton’s second law, F = ma, the acceleration of the object is calculated

In Reality

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  • There are multiple metallic beams (shown in green), and a big moveable metal in all three directions (shown in red) that is attached to springs

  • This design allows the measurement of the capacitances on three axes to happen at once

this whole thing is smaller than the diameter of a human hair


Gyroscope (wip)





Gyro shootout: MPU6000 vs ICM20602 vs BMI270 and OSR4 mode for BMI Gyros!


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