How IMUs Work
This page will be focused on explaining how each of the components on IMU works, disenchanting these delicate electronics.
Basic Idea
You can imagine the internal of an accelerometer to be two pieces of conductive metals attached to springs while leaving a dielectric gap between them.
The combination of two metallic plates leaves a dielectric gap that forms a classic capacitor100%
With the area
and permittivityϵ
known, capacitanceC
measured, we could calculate the distance between the platesd
Since the plates are attached to a spring, we can know the force
applied to the spring by formulaF = k (Δd)
By Newton’s second law,
F = ma
, the acceleration of the object is calculated
In Reality
There are multiple metallic beams (shown in green), and a big moveable metal in all three directions (shown in red) that is attached to springs
This design allows the measurement of the capacitances on three axes to happen at once
Gyroscope (wip)
Gyro shootout: MPU6000 vs ICM20602 vs BMI270 and OSR4 mode for BMI Gyros!
Magnetometer (wip)