WARG requires to use of a calendar system to coordinate our many meeting times, locations, and descriptions for easy access of all members. This document covers our current calendar system and it’s use case.
Live Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=dXcud2FyZ0BnbWFpbC5jb20
The live link provides access to the calendar. You will need to sign into a google account (it does not need to be the WARG google account, Google Drive ) to use this link though once you’ve used it you should be able to see the WARG google calendar from your account easily at any time.
ICS Link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/uw.warg@gmail.com/public/basic.ics
If you do not wish to sign in to a google account, the current state of the calendar can be downloaded using the ICS link as a ics file which can be opened with
any modern calendar programs.
To be clear, the Google Calendar is accessible to the public. Consequently, keep it formal!
Anyone from their personal google accounts can invite the WARG google account calendar to an event. If you are a member (defined by Member Definition ) then this is the recommended path for adding your event to the google calendar. Please ask a lead to login to the google account and accept the event so it is marked as official.
Please use the description to link to meeting minutes documents if applicable as well as any notes specific to the meeting. This may include who is hosting the meeting and/or who is invited though this information is optional.
To be clear, the Google Calendar is accessible to the public and shared with professional acquaintances of WARG. Consequently, keep it formal!
This google calendar syncs easily to our discord via Chronicle Bot.