


WARG requires to use of a calendar system to coordinate our many meeting times, locations, and descriptions for easy access of all members. This document covers our current calendar system and it’s use case.




Anyone from their personal google accounts can invite the WARG google account calendar to an event. If you are a member (defined by Member Definition ) then this is the recommended path for adding your event to the google calendar. Please ask a lead to login to the google account and accept the event so it is marked as official. The email for doing this is uw.warg@gmail.com . If you are an advisor setting up a meeting with WARG then this is also advisable as long as it’s discussed before and a mutual understanding of the meeting exists. If it is the first time inviting WARG to a google calendar event from your personal account then your invite gets somewhat buried so be sure to ping someone to go search for it and accept it. Even if it isn’t your first time, a lead does need to hit accept (though the prompt is more obvious for leads) so putting something in Discord is just good practice when you schedule something.


If you’re a lead (defined by leadership team approval, completion of Lead Onboarding Process, being listed in Lead List , & meeting Member Definition ) then you are able to sign into the WARG google drive ( Google Drive ) and add to the calendar yourself. WARG leads are also responsible for “accepting” or “denying” calendar events that are added to by outside emails.

For first time event adders from their personal accounts they must be approved from the email. For existing senders events must be hit with “Yes” to appear in the discord integration as an official event. Unknown senders can be blocked and bogus events can be marked with “No” to reject.

Leads when logged into the WARG google account should not use the tasks feature because these are not publicly visible, just stick with the main calendar that is shown.

The primary calendar “UWaterloo WARG” should be used for team-specific events and meetings only. The “UWaterloo Important Dates” contains information imported directly from the university’s database. This calendar can be modified to include events such as reading weeks or exam periods.

Subteam leads are expected to at least maintain their subteam meetings in the calendar system for improved visibility for members. Directors are expected to do the same for meetings relevant to the entire team, including but not limited to leads meeting and general meeting. Directors or Operations will be responsible for maintainning other events in the calendar. We recommend that if a meeting has meeting minutes ( Meeting Minutes ) that a link to those meeting minutes is placed in the description of the event for improved accessibility though this is not required.

Use Case


The google calendar should contain all WARG events that have been officially scheduled and are not subject to change. If an event is tentative it should be clearly labelled as such, otherwise it is assumed official.

Only include locations if you have guaranteed that that space is booked (the process for booking rooms is documented in Booking Rooms ).

Please use the description to link to meeting minutes documents if applicable as well as any notes specific to the meeting. This may include who is hosting the meeting and/or who is invited though this information is optional.


To be clear, the Google Calendar is accessible to the public and shared with professional acquaintances of WARG. Consequently, keep it formal!


If you struggle to make events on time or keep track of where you should be and when, utilizing our google calendar for WARG events is highly recommended. Notifications can be set for specific events with desired times in advance to ensure you don’t accidentally miss any meetings. Our calendar system is deliberately intended to be useful for all those seeking to be involved with the team, especially for management. For more information please refer to Calendar .


This google calendar syncs easily to our discord via Chronicle Bot. In Discord people can click the “interested” button to receive a notification about an upcoming event.

The google calendar can be easily viewed and modified through the google calendar mobile app!

The google calendar syncs with Apple calendar app too, see steps below:

  1. Add WARG calendar to your gmail account.

  2. Add your gmail account in the mail app.

  3. Make sure the calendar option is enabled for your gmail.

  4. Now you are good to use the calendar just as you do in the Google Calendar app.

Future Improvements

Porting or syncing this to our outlook?







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