2023 Winter EFS Inventory
Back to the Inventory: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/BCYNWpuR
Back to the Safety Space: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/l/cp/zk0KhH1W
Ref Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y2jVxIi_PRo4lbxPz4rxiVLME3CDxLWz1kFB3mTjxVs/edit
Picture Page: Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games @Hardy Yu
Nucleo, Oscilloscope, Wires Controller, etc :
Name | Description | Quantity |
Black rectangular storage cases | From top to bot: Battery connectors Some quite random stuff include resistors, wires, plastic plates Molex connectors PWM and Headers Heatshrink & Other Power | 5 |
White transparent storage cases | One case of connectors Two cases of board resistors | 3 |
Jumper wires | Small blue bins | A lot but bad quality |
USB Cables | Small blue bins | Some |
ST Links | Small blue bins | some |
L5 Nucleo | Some in the transparent case, some in blue bag | A total of 10 ish |
Bricked F401 Nucleo | Broken by Hardy and Yuchen, wait for the day to get revived | 3 |
Blue shelf of all useful little electronic components | Too many to describe, better to check out the photo | 1 |
Resistor sample books | With Chinese title on them; One contains regular resistors, one contains tiny resistors that can be used for boards | 2 |
Rubber sleeves | They are in four small cases | 4 cases of them |
Big orange-black box on the floor | Contains a big blue cable, a battery charger called passport ultra, a battery charger called RealPro, and many other big cables | 1 |
Pheonix Motors | In a small white cardboard box | some |
Pheonix Props | In a small brown cardboard box | some |
A red cardboard box | Contains some random wires cables, DPSI Twin Dual Receiver | 1 |
Controllers |
MULTIPLEX controller | old | 1 |
HK6S controller | old | 1 |
MC 6 constroller | old | 1 |
Inter Link Simulator controller | Simulator controller | 1 |
TX16S Controller | two | 2 |
Taranis Controller | two | 2 |
Ft Sky Taranis Controller |
| 1 |
Multimeters |
| 6 |
Hot air re-work station |
| 1 |
KEITHLEY 2110 5 ½ digit multimeter |
| 1 |
CSI3030SW DC Power Supply |
| 1 |
BK Precision DC Power Supply |
| 1 |
KEYSIGHT EDU36311A Triple Output Programmable DC Power Supply |
| 1 |
KRUDIGHT EDU34450A 51/2 Digit Multimeter |
| 1 |
KEYSIGHT EDUX1052G Digital Storage Osilloscope |
| 1 |
ESD SAFE Solder Station |
| 1 |
Glue Gun |
| 1 |
Welller Smoke Absorber |
| 1 |