Bay Cleanliness

Bay Cleanliness

The Spinner is used to keep the bay clean, safe and organized. It is not ok to leave a mess in the bay and not clean up after yourself. The spinner system has been placed on hold as it became more of a punishment than a joking around type system. Instead we will be promoting these guidelines out of respect for each other and our common space!


  1. Food (not in the fridge) left in the bay overnight ( or >= 2 hours after the owner left the bay)

  2. Fresh and open food in the fridge for more than 3 days (There can be additional cases that are not listed here but please use common sense and use the fridge properly and don’t let food rot in there)

  3. Personal belongings left in the bay for longer than 2 hours (bags, laptops, jackets) after the owner left the bay

  4. Workbench not cleaned up for longer than 2 hours (EE table (the one with oscilloscopes ), CV table (the one with CV laptop) and Mech table (two tables in the middle))

  5. Working on composites/paints/sanding in the bay. Go to the appropriate location for those works.

  6. Brought equipment out of the bay for personal purposes, without getting permission from the team leads.

  7. Leaving glue gun, soldering station, and battery charger on when nobody is present in the bay.

  8. Climbing on the shelves. Please, you are not Tarzan.

  9. Leaving without turning the bay lights off and closing the door.

If you realized yourself violating those rules but you are not available to handle that yourself, you can ask someone on the team to do it, but you will have to give that person a treat (like a cookie, or bubble tea)

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