

Sleeping in bay is disallowed. If you are sleepy please go home.

If you don't have anywhere to stay for the short term please ask either your friends, subteam leads or directors for a place to stay for a night or two and because we’re a solid community of friends hopefully someone will be glad to help you with a couch in their place.

This policy is required for safety reasons because the bay is a somewhat hazardous area.

WARG is not your life. Please see Time Commitment . This policy is required because it is bad for culture Culture .

We have this policy as an internal policy and this is not enforced by the SDC to our current knowledge. We are aware other SSDC teams allow this and have seen this occur. There is a rule in the SDC safety manual (find link for this if you have time please) against this it is just not enforced by them.

Following past instances, this document is needed. A director sync in September 2023 was carried out to come to this conclusion. If you have questions please communicate with directors.