System Integration Knowledge Base

Latest Information

Systems integrations was started as a subteam by Aiden Bowers, however, over time it became combined with existing subteams. Currently (late 2023 to now) this confluence space is used to document architecture decisions by all subteams of WARG. The and is responsible primarily for this space.

Past Information

 Welcome to System Integration!

The SysInt team is responsible for managing cross-sub-team projects, and the testing and flight preparation of our aircraft. We consist of project managers and people interested in UAVs. We are fundamentally inter-domain experts who are knowledgeable in the systems that exist across WARG, and can be called upon to integrate subsystems.


This sub-team started in May 2022 after the UASC competition highlighted the need for stronger cross-sub-team communication to reduce the chaos of “Integration Hell”.



  • We iterate often, and always learn from successes and failures.

  • Communication should be clear, concise, and transparent so everyone can help.

  • Diversity in all its forms helps us explore more and better design options.

  • We justify all our decisions, and should be able to defend them at any time.


  • Enable productive and effective cross-team communication

  • Develop methods and systems that encompass our values

  • Give members hands-on experience in systems integration and project management


Below includes documentation on the various projects we are working on.

 General information

Quick links to important information here that should be updated regularly

Projects -

Request For Change -

Meeting Notes -

Discord Server -

Calendar -

Google Drive -

 Team Charter -

 Reimbursement Info -