Extra Wiring Notes From Discord

Extra Wiring Notes From Discord

Don’t want these notes to be lost. These are for Frosted Flakes Aircraft specifically. See discord convo for context.


Wiring info: The following have been plugged into the Pix: - Power Module - GPS - RFD900X All wires coming out of ESCs and servos have been properly and correctly labelled. If something is unclear, ask me. All FMU ports are for Motors. Motors 1-5 go into ports 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 (refer to wiring diagram). All IO/PWM ports are for Servos. All servo wires have been labled [X]N, where X is one of EAR (elevator, aileron, rudder), and N is the channel number: E1 = Elevator (only one) R2 = LEFT Rudder R3 = RIGHT Rudder A4 = LEFT Aileron A5 = RIGHT Aileron BEFORE POWERING ON: Daniel already knows this, but I'm putting it here again just to ensure we don't (potentially) destroy our ESCs. the output wires from the Pix should go: White = Signal Red = 5V Black = Ground the header for the ESCs go: Telemetry Signal Ground I'm not sure if sending 5V to the signal wire is gonna kill the ESCs, but DON'T POWER ON UNTIL THIS IS ADDRESSED.