OPS Roadmap W23

OPS Roadmap W23





  • Revamp finances to WARGOps

  1. rewrite finance procedure (split into different pages for WEEF, Engsoc, Team fund)

  2. reimbursement timelimit

  3. pending transactions

  4. Done in the website

  5. Timeline: End of Jan for backend, End of feb for frontend

  6. current status: meeting sometime this week

  7. integration of concor in the future

Branding restyling

  1. only two color being used

  2. create something from scratch, gives more identity

  3. no timelines yet maybe before midterm


earlier Feb

  1. Make deadlines with Alison/Ryan for merch

  2. Potentially look into patagonia for higher quality for those who want to invest

  3. Currently have 3 designs, 2 shirts (light/dark) and a hoodie, only one has sponsors for comp (required to have)

Regular Social Media posts

2023-01-21 Ops Meeting

  1. pipeline in the ops channel

  2. lead highlist, lead takeover, member spotlights

  3. highlights of each subteam? zp3, IMACS, mech CAD stuff, …

  4. Todo: figure out linkedin posts/plans

Working with EngSoc and WEEF voters so they give us money lol

  1. Talk to WEEF/ Engsoc ppl more.

  2. more connections

Getting chponsorships this term

  1. after finish revamping website

  2. talking to team leads that are interested in sponsorships

  3. Tours