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status check with Task 1 | |
Review of Task2 conop
| The input will be a list of routes Here is the output of given QR code There will be a maximum of 50 routes The Task 2 flight plan must start at Waypoint Alpha even if not part of a route. There is no requirement to return to Alpha after completing the last route. The landing sites will have only one pad obstacles may be present as described in the QR code obstacle 2m means: There will be obstacles near some pads no closer than 2m from the pad edge. The algorithm must finish within 60 mins The actual flight is limited to approximately 30-45 minutes
Current process / research? | NA |
Metrics for evaluating the route | Price weight limit price/trip distance starting point vs current location distance from endpoint to base Time is also a restriction Note: We can ignore the number of person requirement because max # of passenger is 6 and we have a 6 person cabin → that means we can finish any route with one trip.
Ideas | Do preliminary searches based on the metrics and rule out the impossible routes (weights, very close obstacles.) Pick a route starting from point Alpha (how to pick tbd) sort reversely by value ferry cost: cost from end point of this trip to the starting point of next trip (best case is 0 when ending point of this trip is the starting point of next trip) battery swap cost: cost from end point of this trip to point Alpha (back to base) trip cost: cost from start point to endpoint Battery level: The current amount of battery we decide which route to pick by considering: ferry cost, trip cost, trip value, battery swap cost brute force is the way to go for now because there is only 50 routes and even less after preliminary searches.
Questions to ask other teams | How far is our estimated wing span? :2.4m battery life measurement: Is it ok that we use the distance as our cost for the trip? Is it possible to have a estimate (upper bound) of battery cost for example a 1.5 km trip with taking off and landing? ie is it possible to create a mapping between distance + takeoff + landing to battery percentage (10%) or equivalent? @Daniel Puratich @Ethan Abraham Average speed of flight that we can reach to calculate for how many routes that we can finish.