2023-09-24 Project after CONOPS
Possibly move airside system to ground station.
How is airside system interfacing with LTE on ground?
$200 CV camera video
Pilot camera
How is LTE interfacing with sensors and flight controller on drone?
Is this what we want to do?
Do we want to work on both Jetson and LTE simultaneously?
Yes, until decision made to use which system.
Task 2 landing
Camera mounting: Possibly at an angle?
More work for mechanical subteam
Must think about how drone will physically approach landing pad
Dead reckoning landing?
Once see the landing pad and calculate its position, order drone to blindly land there (no corrections on the way)
Task 1 waypoints
End conditions:
Battery low
Might be automatic by the flight controller (automatic RTL)
Probably ground station (poll time until over, send stop command)
Soft timeout: Finish lap, then RTL
Hard timeout: RTL immediately (drop the current lap)
Maximum number of laps
Probably not, we want to keep going until we hit a different limit
What kind of lap route (e.g. radius of turn)? Back and forth straight line?
Airside system
Cluster estimation simplified
Max 4 landing pads
Landing pad choice also simplified
Pick the landing pad closest to the expected location
Search: Modified to avoid collision
What happens if drone is ordered to position inside obstacle and rangefinder stop it?
Movement will fail
Just be above everything?
What about LZ C which is under?
Task 1 end conditions
How to RTL?
Determine task 1 lap path
Rename waypoint names and hardcode them
Delete QR parsing and hardcode:
Task 1:
input = ["1A", "1B", "1C", ...]
Task 2: 2A, 2B, etc.
Low priority
ML model
AEAC organizers to finalize landing pad upwards face
Which camera will be used for competition?
Are we using Roboflow again?
Training data parameters (changing saturation, hue, brightness by how much?)
Hopefully $200 CV camera images are better than FPV camera images for training
Camera calibration
LTE communication
@Nathan Green Owner
Will write documentation
Autonomy: Project manager to integrate with rest of system
Obstacle avoidance
Discuss with Directors before starting
Project managers
For another meeting