2023-09-24 Conops Brief #1
@Anthony Luo
@Daniel Puratich
@Megan Spee
@Alison Thompson
@Nathan Green
@Evan Janakievski
@Conall Kingshott
@Smile Khatri
@Arjun Mandair
@Jonathan Di Giorgio
@rohaan vasa (bootcamper)
@Michael Botros
@Georgia Westerlund
@Wingchee W
Embedded Flight Software
@Ayoung Eun
@Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)
@Neha Srivastava
@Mihir Gupta
@Vibhinn Gautam
@tyler chen (bootcamper)
@Leo Tian
@Christian Aiello
@Maxwell Lou
Reviewing requirements, points breakdowns, and assembling the list of questions
Determining Strategy
Setting timelines and integration milestones
Brief Points breakdown
Phase #1 Scoring Criteria | Points | % of max | Expected? |
Quality | 15 | 15% |
System Capabilities | 50 | 50% |
Technical Innovation & Novelty | 25 | 25% |
Project Management | 10 | 10% |
Total | 100 |
| 80 |
We are looking to absolutely demolish phase #1 paper here.
Phase #2 Scoring Criteria | Points | % of max | Expected? |
Presentation | 40 | 12.5% |
Prototype Realism Review | 40 | 12.5% |
Task #1 | 100 | 32% |
Task #2 | 100 + bonus | 32%+bonus |
Flight preparation | 30 | 9.375% |
Report | 10 | 3.125 |
Total | 320+bonus =360 |
| ~260 |
What score are we looking for here?
Requirements Review + Questions assembly
Hard Requirements
Non-negotiable “we must have these if we want to meet our target”
“Soft” Requirements
negotiable “we can add these in and it will increase our performance if it’s possible. May revisit these as we talk about strategy”
Open Questions / Clarifying questions
Question: In 18.c., is the vehicle allowed to cross the centreline between the 2 waypoints?
Question: In 18.c., does “outside the waypoints” mean past a line perpendicular to the line segment connecting the 2 waypoints?
Question: In 18.d., how close to the takeoff point does the vehicle need to land (i.e. what is the acceptance radius)?
Question: In 18.d., is it correct to assume that once the vehicle is landed, the lap count is final (i.e. cannot land at takeoff point, then take off again)?
Question: In 18.f., what is the maximum height of the obstacles from the ground (i.e. building and containers)?
Question: In 20., how close will the physical landing pads be to the provided landing zone coordinates (i.e. what is the error)?
Question: In 21.a., will we be able to synchronize our clock with the official clock?
Question: In 21.a., is the vehicle allowed to finish the approach early and hover over a landing pad until the start of the landing time window?
Question: In 21.f., which side of the landing pad will be facing upwards (i.e. blue only, orange only, or possibly both)? Are the landing pads the same from the 2023 Student UAS Competition?
Question: In 21.g., how close to the landing pad does the vehicle need to land (i.e. what is the acceptance radius)?
Question: In 21.g., does crash landing onto the landing pad count as landing (e.g. vehicle hits a wall and then crashes)? If the vehicle autonomously hits the wall and then crashes onto the landing pad, do we get the autonomous landing points?
Question: In 21.g., when is the vehicle landing time taken? For example:
The moment it touches down (confirmed when the rotors are stopped for 15 seconds).
15 seconds after the rotors stop (so the vehicle should touch down at least 15 seconds before the end of the landing time window).
Landing completed reported to ATC (confirmed by judges to have actually landed).
Something else?
Question: In Table 6, under Time, are the deductions for discrete increments of 30 seconds or continuous (e.g. 0.2 point deduction for 3 seconds)?
Question: Are we allowed to survey the landing areas prior to the competition?
We would be looking for if we could update our satelite imagery.
Question: In 21.g., what is the time frame for clarifying the missing values X? In table C1, what is the time frame for clarifying the altitude limitations? We don’t need an exact estimate, just whether it will be days vs weeks vs months from now.
Task #2
Criteria | MAX | Expected |
Approach | 20 | 20 |
| 20 | 10 (drop landing if it fails?) |
| 70 | 70? |
Landing time window | 20 | 20 |
Communication | 10 | 10 |
Sum | 140 | 130? |
Approach is known
Need to report to ATC what you are doing
LZ C is behind shipping containers.
pretty confident that 800mW will go through?
background noise not the same as what exists at the airport
will need video & sensor transmission through that.
LTE should work?
could possibly use rangefinders which give distance buffer
attempt sending video over LTE.
rm jetson from airside (weight saving).
integrate code from task #1 to give instr. from groundside.
Attempt LZ C. half time autonomously. pilot takeover on back half
flight dir to call out.
Task #1
Criteria | MAX | Expected |
Time | 15 | 7.5? |
Distance | 30 | 15? |
Empty Weight | 10 | ?? |
| 20 | 20 |
Landing | 5 | 5 |
Passenger & Cargo Security
| 20 | 20 |
Total | 100 | 67.5? |
Waypoint #1 @ 200m height
Lots of system characterization & determining a glide slope//descent slope?
Flying forward a lot…
Likely want to run motors near peak efficiency (pinning it likely not to be best case)
depends on how long we expect battery to last. Needs lots of flight testing
Total dist. for a lap is 3km
potentially fly some radius around the waypoint
Empty Weight
very doable should get max points
Time / voltage based?
Passenger & Cargo security
Cannot be shifted
no points for passenger comfort
keep in mind “would you get in this” (might be pre-flight only)
Action items
Anni to look at rangefinder support + weight options
Cabin development
Slowly reduce weight of 3d printed stuff
Look at custom power distrib pcb (instead of thick wires)
Evaluate use of xt90’s / connector usage
Shorten cable runs?
meet with anni to see what we can do
RM Jetson
Inference on ground
Digi vid through rpi w/LTE telem.
breakout on ground to mp & inference.
Evaluate how to bring desktop & breakout video
CV camera for rpi
Flight Test
Determine how many batteries we’ll need for flight times
efficiency curves, etc.
Re-evaluate sensor stacking && what exactly we need.
rangefinder/proximity sensors
Version | Date | Comment |
Current Version (v. 5) | 2023-09-30 06:40 | R D (Deactivated) |
v. 4 | 2023-09-30 06:31 | R D (Deactivated) |
v. 3 | 2023-09-25 02:03 | R D (Deactivated) |
v. 2 | 2023-09-25 00:10 | Megan Spee |
v. 1 | 2023-09-24 23:54 | Anthony Luo |