2023-11-21 AEAC 2024 Sync
Daniel Puratich
Conall Kingshott
Alison Thompson
Please add your name here if you are present during the meeting! Feel free to add it in advance if you plan on attending.
@Daniel Puratich
@Conall Kingshott
@Alison Thompson
@Anthony Zhelnakov
@Aryan Kashem
@Ayoung Eun
@Georgia Westerlund
@Hardy Yu
@Megan Spee
@Michael Botros
@Nathan Green
@Tong Zhang
@Yuchen Lin
@Anthony Luo
@Amy Hu
@Daniel Puratich
Tuned Three Axies successfully on Houston!
New camera mount pog
Flew drone manually
Collected images on first flight
RPi did not work after that
suspecting temperature?
if temp was around zero,
Low voltage on power
possible issue on buck converter or temperature
looking at RPi readout
should temperature test buck board
possibly wiring voltage drop is the issue as well?
Should check temperature operating range of all autonomy components as we get into winter
@Anthony Luo @Daniel Puratich
AEAC Townhall #1
@Daniel Puratich Attended
Talk about date and time
see the meeting notes:
@Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green @Jonathan Di Giorgio
Frame is currently disassembled following the flight test
arms removed currently
nothing was noted wearing early
should inspect holes? @Conall Kingshott will look tmrw, but should be goooooood
wear that happened to wires is most likely from monster mount install so not going to focus on correction to the rest of arm stuff
awaiting heatshrink for wires to reassemble
We considered options for removing thread-to-wire contact in the system
@Conall Kingshott thinks this isn’t necessary. Do others disagree?
Bolts that aren’t threaded on the top in such a way that would address this are not easily available
Lots of effort, likely wasnt the problem
@Alison Thompson @Evan Janakievski @Georgia Westerlund
No big updates from last week!
Composites Canada resin and hardener is here (hopefully, needs to be inspected)
will be doing layups for cabin on Sunday
Orderred skeleton tubes from Aliexpress
hopefully arrive soon!
@Andy Zhang @Conall Kingshott @Alison Thompson
Shrouds are made and cut
done on bandsaw instead of waterjet bc pre thin
layups that were done last week are good
Gotta look at connecting them to clips.
Will use some sort of adhesive.
@Smile Khatri @Mena Azab (Deactivated)
Going to consider covering bolt threads.
Possibly heat shrink?
Flight test to test these!
see below!
@Nathan Green @Georgia Westerlund @Megan Spee
360 Lidar flight test with Houston!
Should consider a mount to get this on Houston?
Lidar is very expensive so should have a thought out about mount for this!
@Anthony Luo to list constraints in a confluence document!
Preferably as a subpage to Sensors for generic information
Preferably mech requirements live as a subpage to 2024 Season Pegasus Mechanical Decisions Documentation this is a requirement for mech stuff
This process will help mech understand constraints! Process has been explained a lot in individual meetings, possible questions to be discussed later.
Compass calibration discussion
ICARUS required a lot of compass calibration, Pegaus doesn't need it anymore
@Tom Chiu
From last weeks EE meeting:
Majority of technical details related to choosing voltage divider values into ADC figured out after taking into account the equivalent circuit in the ADC that contributes to the input impedance.
Finishing up LTspice simulation to try to validate proper equivalent input impedance after taking into account the shottky diode and low pass filter.
Still trying to figure out pros and cons in deciding to put RPP across the input voltage from the batteries or just the input into the 5V and 12V buck regulators.
@Daniel Puratich to follow up!
@Michael Botros @Mena Azab (Deactivated) @Nolan Haines
(No Updates) True for this week!
@Michael Botros @Mena Azab (Deactivated) @Nolan Haines @Anthony Zhelnakov
@Anthony Zhelnakov @Mena Azab (Deactivated) will meet with Daniel to go over this.
Hasn’t been started, needs initiation meeting here!
@Mena Azab (Deactivated)
Bullet connectors soldered and frayed wire repaired.
Inspected by @Daniel Puratich all solder joints on bullets look good!
Needs heatshrink before arms can be reinstalled
Will need to order more 16awg wire
unless we know where the remaining wire we ordered in the summer
we orderred a bunch, we need to order more!
@Neel Patel @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani
Goal to have prototype on perf-board ready for end of term.
Working on schematic design and LED selection currently.
Path forward is to run LED part number idea by mechanical once we have them selected
This should hopefully be completed within a week or two, before end of term
the control circuit will be prototyped first on breadboard then on perf-board by end of term!
@Farris Matar @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo
Seems at least one board is ready.
@Derek Tang @Anthony Luo
No test plan yet
One board is tested and ready at least
Derek was able to connect two gemini boards together and saw it was receiving some packets, but in mission planner it didn’t show up properly.
Derek looking into crossfire protocol, ardupilot integration painers.
CRSF is uart !
Anni able to provide guidance
Hardy somewhat on it as well
will need to connect to a telemetry port
May need to order more ELRS receivers
@Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green
Paused, some chat
Potentially this isn’t happening for this competition cycle especially because we need to have time for testing
Will still be usable for manually pointing antennas toward drone
Maybe smaller antenna tracker for VRX only, using servos and 3d printing
Potentially use the mini-pix and a random GPS to try and make it work
We may not be line of sight when landing for task 2
Tall pole maybe nice? maybe doable? good to have! doesnt need to be too hard :d
@Nolan Haines @Hardy Yu @Michael Botros
Stick with current architecture
Goal was have whole thing done end of term
Schematic is getting close!
overcurrent and input protection completed
@Michael Botros popping off here
connectors need cleanup
@Hardy Yu has been busy on this
Hardy very busy
maybe add some bright LED for low batt?
currently it’s a smaller LED
features are implemented in schematic
review needs to happen as well
hopefully moving into placement end of this week
sd card @Yuchen Lin @Stanley Tang
Working on pin conflict to support SD card for logging
trying to use sdmmc still
need to make some updates to make this work
Arduino Tracking Antenna EFS
@Ayoung Eun @Aryan Kashem
currently working on Arduino version of the tracking antenna
Idea is mostly off the shelf, quick iteration, and can test the tracking antenna algorithm
planning to port algorithm to arduino
in drafting stage of project
planning to use Arduino Mega that’s sitting in our bay
Implementing existing algorithm from STM32 version
NeoGPS, Curie IMU, XBee and Servos Libraries will be used
Ideally proof of concept with Houston flight test by end of term
if done and well tested before february it’s up for consideration to add in custom hardware
can whip stuff up with Ardu
@Anthony Luo @Nathan Green next term will be avail to help
Winter will be cold
@Alex Yang @Amy Hu
Collected some data in past flight
didn't get many images in some
low voltage warning, temp issue
@Tong Zhang @Amy Hu @Mihir Gupta
Plan to get drone telemetry
Trying different image encodings
see decision matrix
@Arunav Munjal @Amy Hu
CSV for WRESTRC should be ready to flight test on weekend Dec 2nd
@Smile Khatri
new camera mount is working!
@Hardy Yu @Yuchen Lin @Anthony Luo @Daniel Puratich
Current 6S battery
We currently have four that are perfect (that we’ve been using this term)
we have other ones that are much worse performance and are labelled, Anni measured them to be sure.
Remaining Testing Goals before end of term
end to end sensors (all of which can be tested in ground)
Video over LTE
Calibrate Optical Flow
Monster mount offsets
for rangefinder and Optical Flow
Four vs Six Batteries test (all require test flights)
Houston Autotune
completed last weekend, see links above
During roll autotune did not observe much circling
Pegasus Autotune
pay attention to weather conditions
Pegasus Four Battery Endurance
Autotune would be best but its too much time :d
Could do this before autotune just to get some values
Pegasus Six Battery Endurance
Nov 25th
Running a flight test will be challenging on this day due to the open house
bay will be full of people this day!
Should make sure either @Conall Kingshott or @Smile Khatri are avail to put it back together in addition to an EE lead/member for the heatshrink
Need to test controls and telemetry before then as well!
No flight test on Nov 25th
Nov 26th
more autonomy image collection flights
No pegasus flight
Dec 2nd
Ready to test Autonomy CSV for WRESTRC
must be on this day because WRESTRC required and this is only day we have it booked
Hover test on four good batteries
hoping for 30 mins flight time on this
Dec 3rd
pencil in for possible LIDAR flight depending on how things go!
No more available testing dates this term so gg team!
@Megan Spee @Anthony Luo @Daniel Puratich @Georgia Westerlund
The beginning part is a good example
Early Dec is soft deadline, Anni will be sweating on it
Georgia has been popping off
Feel free to pullup and spam some bs in it, dont worry too much :ddddd
Buzzword trollng welcome
revolutionary high frequency tuning algorithms based on optical trading and advanced frequency domain quantum analysis based techniques for characterizing flight transient response and strain efficiency