2023-11-21 AEAC 2024 Sync
- Daniel Puratich
- Conall Kingshott
- Alison Thompson
Please add your name here if you are present during the meeting! Feel free to add it in advance if you plan on attending.
@Daniel Puratich
@Conall Kingshott
@Alison Thompson
@Anthony Zhelnakov
@Aryan Kashem
@Ayoung Eun
@Georgia Westerlund
@Hardy Yu
@Megan Spee
@Michael Botros
@Nathan Green
@Tong Zhang
@Yuchen Lin
@Anthony Luo
@Amy Hu
@Daniel Puratich
Tuned Three Axies successfully on Houston!
New camera mount pog
Flew drone manually
Collected images on first flight
RPi did not work after that
suspecting temperature?
if temp was around zero,
Low voltage on power
possible issue on buck converter or temperature
looking at RPi readout
should temperature test buck board
possibly wiring voltage drop is the issue as well?
Should check temperature operating range of all autonomy components as we get into winter
@Anthony Luo @Daniel Puratich
AEAC Townhall #1
@Daniel Puratich Attended
Talk about date and time
see the meeting notes:
@Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green @Jonathan Di Giorgio
Frame is currently disassembled following the flight test
arms removed currently
nothing was noted wearing early
should inspect holes? @Conall Kingshott will look tmrw, but should be goooooood
wear that happened to wires is most likely from monster mount install so not going to focus on correction to the rest of arm stuff
awaiting heatshrink for wires to reassemble
We considered options for removing thread-to-wire contact in the system
@Conall Kingshott thinks this isn’t necessary. Do others disagree?
Bolts that aren’t threaded on the top in such a way that would address this are not easily available
Lots of effort, likely wasnt the problem
@Alison Thompson @Evan Janakievski @Georgia Westerlund
No big updates from last week!
Composites Canada resin and hardener is here (hopefully, needs to be inspected)
will be doing layups for cabin on Sunday
Orderred skeleton tubes from Aliexpress
hopefully arrive soon!