2023-12-05 AEAC 2024 Sync


  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Darwin Clark

  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Arjun Mandair

  • @Jerry Tian

  • @Mena Azab

  • @Nathan Green

  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Megan Spee

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • @Yuchen Lin @Nathan Green

  • Completed auto-tune all axis

    • four batteries

    • logs in thread, should be linked in debrief

    • we didn't fly much after autotune so minimal changes

    • @Anthony Luo to analyze

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • Next deadline is phase one paper

  • No more AEAC syncs for this term!


  • @Conall Kingshott @Nathan Green @Jonathan Di Giorgio @Mena Azab

  • Slight redesign on clamping blocks

    • had one cracked a little, not major

  • Wires rerouted to give extra length

    • very cool!

  • No other updates

  • @Alison Thompson @Evan Janakievski @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

  • No real updates here

  • getting inside layout figured out and waiting for panels to be cut

    • may need to follow up with Graeme on this
