2023-09-26 AEAC 2024 Sync



  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Megan Spee


  • @Alison Thompson

  • @Arjun Mandair


  • @Mena Azab

  • @Neel Patel

Flight Test


Embedded Flight Software



  • @Mihir Gupta

  • @Amy Hu


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

Announcements / Admin

Action Items (we do these right now and assign immediately)

  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund Structure completed by October 1st

    • Will be made in Microsoft word: <link>

  • @Anthony Luo Doing lidar sensor choice. Will create a doc with conclusion by Sunday.

  • @Michael Botros Wiring diagram to be updated for what we’re going to have wired up for primitive system should be ready for review by this weekend.

  • @electrical to review and ensure tracking antenna hardware is correct

    • EE to update what is going on the tracking antenna

Updates / Blockers / Finished items

  • Document structure proposal:

  • Need to determine which sub-teams are responsible for each section

  • Need to determine due dates to keep us on track: (try and complete before christmas break)

    • Skeleton/outline - due October 1st (?)

    • Draft - due early/mid November (nov 6th ish)

    • Review - due early December (dec 6th ish)

    • Final - due January 15th

Airframe ON TRACK

  • Generally on track, no significant changes of note.

  • Mech to look at reducing weight, but those reductions will be limited

    • Baseframe + Motors (carbon fiber, aluminum, 3d printed stuff, motors, PDB, ESC, Wiring) 4.2 kg

    • ~1.5kg of electronics so far no jetson/rpi/gemini/payload/radios

    • Batteries @ 850g each → 6 batteries -> 9.2kg total drone (5.1 kg of which is batteries)

    • no cabin, no jetson/rpi/gemini/payload/radios

  • Weight is a problem

    • 15kg limit per comp but we aim to be much below this

    • Mech looking at weight reduction

    • 8 kg goal, 10kg abs max is everything included (including barbies)

      • if we exceed this it will be problems :d

  • Once flight tests need to decide 4 or 6 batteries and ensure we get flight time we want.




  • Some ideas/inspo:

  • The first design seems really simple to integrate onto the current air-frame and very manufacturable.

  • We have some ideas to allow it to be pretty easy to iterate on the wall shape (ie flat, curved, etc.) according to aero sims + testing. We would like to have “hot-swap” aero components so we can get something easy done quickly, then work on more advanced stuff in parallel with other subteams' use of the drone

  • A few ways cargo could be integrated, cargo compartment below passenger compartment (maybe stairs somehow a part of this??) or behind like the first image. Could also sell this as a “safety” feature?

  • Curved thin polycarb or something similar is easy to do for windows and looks pretty cool

Aerodynamics In pog-ress (pog)


Harnessing Delayed

Gemini delayed In pog-ress (pog)

Antenna TrackerIn pog-ress (pog)

Auto-landing Not started


Testing goals for near future


Arch Doc

  • Announcement regarding the doc from @Anthony Luo