2024-05-22 EE weekly meeting

Meeting times:

  • EE Meeting: Wednesdays 7 PM EST. Room tbd, booking still ongoing, will have a permanent room soon!

  • Leads Meeting: Monday 9 PM EST somewhere

  • Team Competition Aircraft Sync (AEAC): Tuesday 9 PM EST somewhere. Please come!



In person


In person




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Updates this week!

Announcements/General updates



Active Projects



  • @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani

  • Confluence to be updated


  • @Michael Botros


  • @Meghan Dang


  • @Tom Chiu

  • Uploaded block diagram to Atlassian page, unsure about some of the pin connections. Please take a look at it!


  • @Omar El-Sawy

  • I have an idea of components,schem, and layout. I talked a lot in discord. Will pull all-nighter to do a lot of work today.


  • @Nolan Haines

  • Block diagram is done, schem will start soon

(Anthony, Ryan)

  • @Anthony Zhelnakov @Ryan Scomazzon

  • Parts are in, planned to assemble next weekend


  • @Jerry Tian


  • @Ishman Mann

(Nolan, Hardy, Michael)

  • @Nolan Haines @Hardy Yu @Michael Botros


  • @Taim Al-Dabbagh

(Rayyan, Mostafa)

  • @Rayyan Mahmood @Mostafa Hussein

  • Mostafa: added current sense layout, but still need to get buck and current sense circuits reviewed


  • @Allan Liu


  • @Anthony Zhelnakov

New Projects

More ideas in