2024-05-08 EE Leads Discussion



EE Vision:

  • Largely agree with Daniel’s Vision

  • Three main components to EE (Harnessing, Validation, PCB Design)

    • Possibly have 3 leads consistently, one for each specialty

  • Weekly work sessions this term (Lots of board bring up and validation)

  • Need to balance between Learning and Getting projects down

  • Choose more achievable comp specific projects

  • Have defined design phase ie Spring term, halfway through fall if needed

  • Have board bring up and testing in fall and winter term

  • Have dedicated harnessing person, beg/strongly encourage ppl to start working on harness,

    • there are houston harness shortening tasks available @Jerry Tian very beginner friendly task


  • connector standard on all custom PCBs:

    • power: XT

    • signal: JST-GH

Priority Boards: (Design, Bringup)

  • Custom BEC (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

  • Sensor Cluster (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

  • Gemini RX Diversity (Spring 2024, Fall 2024/Winter 2025)

  • Video Transmission Board (Spring 2025, Fall 2025)

  • 12S ESC (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

  • Next Gen PDB (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

  • High current power module (Done, Spring 2024)

  • LED Controller (Done, ASAP)


Nice to have:

  • Smoke Stoppers

  • 6S ESC (TBD)

  • ZP3 Interface (Done, Spring 2024)

  • Servo Module

PCB Projects (Design, Bringup)

  • We should only pursue projects that are very tangible and clearly optimize something. The following are in order of priority and should be pursued by EE for these reasons:

    • (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

      • todo

        • design board with sensors and a CAN node

      • use case

        • future vehicles

      • why

        • CAN node for minimal harnessing connection of a lot of sensors to the FC

        • we commonly use these sensors

      • who

        • michael botros

    • (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

      • todo

        • design

      • use case

        • future vehicles

      • why

        • CAN node for minimal harnessing connection to the FC

        • we need to space out ESCs on larger aircrafts

      • who

        • Meghan Dang

    • (Next rev) (Spring 2024, Fall 2024) pending assignment

      • todo

        • make the board smaller

      • use case

        • for competition

      • why

        • improved rf link quality

        • doesn't exist commercially

    • (ASAP)

      • todo

        • assemble and use

      • use case

        • for realism points for competition and cool ig posts

        • pegasus

        • future vehicles

      • who

        • Parker

    • (Done, S24)

      • todo

        • assemble flight interface board

        • fix oscillator on primary

      • use case

        • for EFS M2 and beyond ZPSW objectives

        • never be competition viable

      • who


    • (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

      • todo

        • design, test, etc.

      • use case

        • all future vehicles

      • why

        • for reducing the number of power supplies we have on the drone right now

        • simplify all the power harnessing we have

      • who

        • Ishman

    • (Bring up S24)

      • why

        • for reducing harness count on the antenna head

      • todo

        • combine nathan’s and Michael’s board, best of both worlds

    • (Bring up and Validation S24)

      • todo

        • assemble and test

        • add CAN support:

      • use case

        • future plane or vtal

      • why

        • for spacing out servos

        • minimizing wire complexity on upcoming airframes

        • more stable power to far away servos

    • (Spring 2024, Fall 2024/Winter 2025)

      • todo

        • design

        • test

        • make smaller

      • use case

        • all future vehicles

      • why

        • improved rf link over gemini

      • who

        • Nolan Haines

    • (S24, F24)

      • todo

        • make GPS’s work with CAN

      • use case

        • all future vehicles

      • why

        • allows us to space them more without SI concerns

        • busability

      • who

        • New bootcamper (Omar)

    • (Spring 2025, Fall 2025)

      • todo

        • make video system sit on one panel

      • use case

        • all future vehicles

      • why

        • improves packaging

        • reduces harnesses

        • reduces emi problems

    • (Already done?)

      • use case

        • for ground validation

        • unlikely to be competition viable

      • why

        • fun

    • (Already done?)

      • use case

        • for ground validation

        • unlikely to be competition viable

      • why

        • fun

    • (Done, Spring 2024)

      • maybe viable for competition

      • needs to offer some improvement on COTS to be viable

      • validate and test our copy of the COTs for now

      • plan for the future here, we need to think of exactly what functionality we want and what’s achievable.

    • (On Hold)

      • todo

        • design

      • use case

        • future competition vehicles

      • why

        • for some integration improvement in the future

    • (Archived)

      • for fun

      • never be competition viable

    • (F24, W25)

      • for ground validation

    • (F24, W25)

      • for future vehicles i guess but we dont have any vehicles of this size planned

    • (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)

      • never be competition viable

      • for fun

    • (TBD)

      • never be competition viable

      • for fun

    • (Cool but later)

      • lots of integration overhead

      • who: would need to have someone ambitious, shouldnt be pursued for now

  • Insane ideas that are years out but possible in Daniel’s opinion (and will stay on Daniel’s list of personal projects and if I get anywhere in the next few years I will merge back into WARG projects):

    • RF Unified Link

      • HAM band (70cm or 2m)

      • RF Heartbeat initially, then more comes later

      • CAN interface to FC

      • variable airside power, very high power ground side

      • not started but lots of COTS hardware could be leveraged

    • More efficient conversion from 48->12

      • I have started this as a personal project, finishing is a whole nother challenge

      • fully custom including magnetic

EE Meeting Time

Tentatively Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm


Boot Camp

  • Mena is interested in reviewing bootcamps

  • Maybe new roles for harnessing and validation which don’t require completion of Altium Project

    • Still would require knowledge of PCB Design

    • Don’t need to complete PCB design bootcamp

    • Require attendance in 1 or 2 workshops to pass