2023-09-07 Electrical Leads Discussion
- Michael Botros
- R D (Deactivated)
Priority projects that we need to support and splitting project support
EE Meetings and work sessions
Coming up with new projects
Using Asana
Every project exists in discord channel, asana and confluence page
Split up who's managing which PCB projects
ELRS - Comp critical
High Current Power Module - No longer comp critical
PDB - Not comp critical
Tracking Antenna - Comp critical
LED Driver board - Comp critical (for extra points)
6S ESC - Not comp critical
12S Servo Module - Not comp critical
Project process
Brainstorm project → Block diagram → Component Selection → Schematic → Schematic Review → PCB Design → PCB Review → Sourcing → Assembly → Testing
Drone and wiring diagram
Mena and Nolan will work on it
Try to get Neel into wiring diagram with you guys
We will heavily promote and we will do a demonstration of the wiring in the first electrical meeting
Michael will also try to contribute
Ideally EE weekly meetings stay the same as last term
Michael cannot attend meetings before 9PM
Will people show up in person at 9 for a weekly meeting?
Will people show up on weekends?
Perhaps Thursdays 9PM online meetings during the week
This is the current plan
Work Sessions
Great that wiring and assembly sessions already being handled
Potential room for workshops/tutorials
Brainstorm ideas for what to teach new members so its easier when crunch assembly sessions happen or you need a task done but no member knows how to do it on their own
Soldering/wiring/using PCB tools/OScope and power supply
Board assembly work sessions
ZP3 stuff
Sometime next week for sure, come up with list of new projects we can potentially support
Great opportunity to talk with Daniel, Anni as well as other subteams on projects they want to run that require EE support
CAN support, Really high current small buck board, power and wiring carrier board for drone etc
Instead asana used for every part of a PCB project, maybe its application can be used to specify certain actionable large level tasks with descriptions (sort of like a quest)
The 3 of us will do an Asana cleanup by 2023/9/13 (next Wednesday)