2023-11-02 EE Meeting
General Team Status/Schedule:
Meeting times:
EE Meeting: Thursdays 9 PM EST E5 1006
Leads Meeting: Wednesday 9 PM EST E5 1006
Team Competition Aircraft Sync: Tuesday 9 PM
Online | In person |
Quick Links:
Updates this week!
Reminder that Aircraft sync happens every Tuesday at 9pm.
EE members are encouraged to drop in and listen.
Interested in becoming a pilot?
Checkout the IPP meetings and process!
Flight test this weekend
Active PCB Projects
High Current Power Module (Taim, Steven)
Engineering decisions made and documented in meeting minutes
@Taim Al-Dabbagh @Steven Wang
12S ESC (Ethan, Chris)
Firmware generation and ioc stuff probably isn’t getting done until after midterms
Board may or may not be completed for end of term. Need to sync with Chris
FOC firmware is complex and requires alot of time to ensure that everything is correct.
@Ethan Abraham @Christopher Chung
6S ESC (Mena, Rayyan, Mostafa)
Rayyan: Currently sourcing Power FETs for ESC
Mena: Handed off to Mostafa. 10/28/2023 6S ESC Hand off - Meetings - WARG (atlassian.net)
Mostafa: Went through buck convertor component calculations, got stuck at output capacitor. Sourced some of the components that weren’t yet sourced (for output capacitor I picked a tantalum cap for now similar to the one recommended by the datasheet).
@Farris Matar to discuss control loop stability implications of output capacitor choice!
Will update Asana with goals/timelines.
LED Controller (Neel, Parker)
Architecture plans ready for next aircraft sync. Will seek input from team and then move on to design/ordering components.
2023-11-01 LED Controller Sync - Meetings - WARG (atlassian.net)
ELRS Gemini (Michael, Farris)
Boards cleaned up & ready for use now
Project is now in EFS hands, Farris still on campus for rest of semester & can provide support
Good work Farris and Michael!
Drone Battery PCB (Farris)
Still need to take some measurements & draft a rough outline to determine price & power capabilities, will probably be some delay on this though as I’m bogged down by schoolwork
PDB (Tom)
Continuing with trying to figure out a method to maximize the use of ADC resolution with variable voltage input.
Last midterm finished yesterday, will have more time to get back on top of it.
Would like to finish before end of term.
Finish schematic design in next two weeks.
Tracking Antenna (Nolan, Hardy, Michael)
25-5V buck schematic done
Schematic still throws some errors but I think they're easy to fix
After review onto layout I suppose?
Michael will continue to work on power analysis.
Will redo some of the connecters and ports
12S Servo Module (Jerry)
Jerry: Started routing, tasks are broken down on asana
Drone Wiring
Flight test this weekend.
Capacitor Analysis for Drone (Side Quest):
All About Multirotor Drone FPV Electronic Speed Controllers
What is a capacitor?
Will be assigned later. ^
Buck Converter Session Led By Farris:
Tuesday @ 5pm in the bay in the GCal.