2023-09-26 Electrical Leads Discussion
- Michael Botros
- R D (Deactivated)
- Mena Azab (Deactivated)
@Mena Azab (Deactivated)
@Nolan Haines
@Michael Botros
Lead nominations
Assigning members to projects
Sponsorship items we wanna buy
From Michael
Neel, Jerry
Nolan and Mena agree
Next step is to privately DM, see if any of them are interested. If so, use nomination form. Bring up to next leads meeting so we can potentially vote
Nolan to DM Neel and Jerry and check in with them
Michael potentially stepping down next term as an advisor
Nobody finished bootcamp
A few members close to finishing
Nolan talking to Christian Sforza and pushing bootcampers who are almost done bootcamp
Otherwise not enough members
Michael working on CAN board
Farris is on Power Routing Board
No one to put on ZP3 interface rework
Try to motivate bootcampers next EE meeting
More soldering irons @Mena Azab (Deactivated)
Eload? (too expensive?) we want to be able to draw a lot of current
Current clamp for oscilloscope @Michael Botros
Much prefer the CP2100A it seems (way better bandwidth than the fluke)
Actual legit 50MHz bandwidth probe (super expensive)
Nice microscope (similar/better than RPC one) @Mena Azab (Deactivated)
Thermal camera @Michael Botros
Nice option, mediocre price. Good reviews, good resolution and refresh rate
Due by tomorrow (Wed, 27th)