2023-11-01 LED Controller Sync









  • @Neel Patel

  • @Parker Lawrence-Valeriani

  • @Mena Azab

Flight Test


Embedded Flight Software



Proposed Solution:


  • Visible at night and daytime (very bright)

  • Well integrated

  • Each light must be visible from 120 degrees,

    need to go on ends of motor mounts and below/above arms?

  • 4 LEDs (red, potentially blinking) one on each corner is the absolute minimum control requirement.

    • realism for airplane:

      • white strobe light (pulsing?), visible 360

      • beacon light, visible from 360 around. red.

      • red on left, green on right, white on BACK. static.

        • ‘don’t need white on back probably'



  • also need to decide reflectors - these can be picked in tandem with LEDs, as adding reflectors may eliminate the need for a stronger LED, etc.


  • EE global constraint should be weight

    • save weight instead of add more brightness (if the tradeoff is reasonable)

Initial Layout Drawing


Things to Research

  • How will we connect to LEDs (Connector/Solder/Headers)

    • Most likely solder

  • Need for input for Pax??

    • No input for pax required


  • Where are we getting power from(Usually 12V) (search through architecture doc)

    • PDB - 3A

      • vtx draws 250mA at 12V

    • BEC - 5A

  • Ways to achieve variable Strobing/Blinking (555 Timers) (Parkers on this!)

  • What distance do they need to be visible from


Suitable LED strip lights should be chosen via similar setup to page. Can include neopixels if desired, but please compare individual part numbers.

Project Owner Availability:

@Neel Patel : 2-5h hours a week

@Parker Lawrence-Valeriani 5-10h a week - better idea of availability after midterms.

Agreed upon timelines:

  1. Architecture plans for next AEAC meeting (research and decisions)

  2. Order components first week of November.

  3. Full working prototype for end of November.