2023-24 Summer Auto-Landing Project

2023-24 Summer Auto-Landing Project


Construct an auto-landing algorithm to compute the distance vector from the drone to the landing pad. The distance vector will be converted into a movement command that will be sent to ZeroPilot (WARG’s in-house flight controller).


Updated version of diagram from Auto Landing System Overview



Fisheye Distortion (compensation) this can be fixed CV camera is rectilinear lol


Landing Pad team, if a landing pad is detected with 90% confidence, send bounding box info to auto landing code.

  • We need all code to be put into the UWARG Github

  • Get inputs

    • from ZeroPilot

    • Landing pad team will get bounding boxes for you guys

  • Task: Get people to work on calculating angle of drone to landing pad

    • You have (pitch, yaw, roll) of drone

    • Camera is mounted at the bottom of the drone and is parallel to the bottom (Talk to mech)

    • Angle as seen from the camera (comes from the bounding boxes)

  • Task: Integrate 1D LiDAR and get altitude of drone

    • Note: It will be pointing at the bottom and it will parallel to the bottom (Talk to mech)


Things to consider

  • Account for turbulence of the drone

  • Account for momentum of the drone. At every point in time there is a velocity vector associated with the drone. So plan the distance vector accordingly.

    • Velocity could be estimated via past location of the drone

Action Items

  • @Michael Denissov discuss with EFS what they would need from Autolanding on the Autonomy side

  • @Amy Hu Verify the camera is rectilinear

  • @Mihir Gupta (Unlicensed) organize this confluence page and separate the project into tasks

  • @Michael Denissov Organize all the code from other people’s repo and @Mihir Gupta (Unlicensed) will create an autolanding repo on UWARG github