2023-06-03 Auto-Landing Meeting1

2023-06-03 Auto-Landing Meeting1


Jun 4, 2023


  • @Amy Hu

  • @James Huang

  • @Theo Roh



Figure out structure of inputs/outputs

Divide tasks (if possible)

 Discussion topics





Representation of Drone

  • Given pitch, yaw roll

  • Represent as vector or point

    • Vector - Tells us orientation

      • Cannot output one angle probably

    • Point - Doesn’t tell us about orientation of drone (what if you land upside down lmfaoo)

Info Needed

  • Input

    • birds-eye view of space with landing pad - can assume there will always be an

      • camera is on bottom - bounding box will be distorted if angle is tilted, so we should ideally try to keep the drone at 90 degrees

    • need to essentially center drone over landing pad and descend

    • assume we have basically any variables we want (e.g. location of drone, landing, etc.)

    • assume ideal situation (i.e. no turbulence, etc.) and work from there

  • Output

    • Center drone on landing pad

    • send movement commands

      • set of movement commands is: (rotate on given axis, ascend/descend, move forward/back)

  • Performance

    • main indicator is smoothness of landing

    • no time limit

 Action items

Someone needs to talk to EFS
Study movement commands
Check out geolocation code (uses bounding box to give coordinates)
List of things required for ideal scenario:
  1. Stop x-y movement (So it hovers w/o moving)

    1. Move to next step when change in x/y is small enough

  2. Orient the drone parallel to the ground and pointing to the center of the landing pad

  3. Move drone to center of landing pad

  4. Look at geolocation module


  1. Arunav does 3 + 4
  2. Theo does 1 + setup suite github
  3. James does 2

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