Raspberry Pi 5
- 1 Overview
- 2 Hardware
- 2.1 Mechanical
- 2.2 Electrical
- 2.2.1 Reference Images
- 3 Software
- 3.1 Usage
- 3.1.1 Setup
- 3.1.2 First-time setup
- 3.1.3 SSH
- 3.1.4 VNC
- 3.1 Usage
TODO: pictures of raspberry pi 5
Bought in 2024.
The Raspberry Pi is an affordable, compact, portable, low-power computer.
The Raspberry Pi is used to run Autonomy data collection and Autonomy obstacle avoidance.
Product website: Raspberry Pi .
Product datasheets: Raspberry Pi Datasheets .
Pin support: RPi Interface
Product datasheet:
Raspberry Pi hardware - Raspberry Pi Documentation
When mounting the RPI 5 (or any RPI) on Houston, ensure that:
Spacers are added between the bottom of the RPI and the metal plate to prevent components from shorting and rubbing against the metal plate.
2x regular M2 nuts can be stacked on top of each other to create this space
can also add yellow double sided sealant tape to create this space (optional)
a spacer can also be 3D printed
M2 screws are used to secure the RPI
Nylon lock nuts are used to fasten down the RPI so that the RPI does not come loose during flight
Power Supply
Recommended to support full pheripherals is 5V 5A
can use 5V 3A power supply if peripheral current draw is less than 600mA
Internally Designed Solutions
12V->5V @ 5A Buck Converter Board or any other 5V/5A power supply
Reference Images
Raspberry Pi 4 (not Raspberry Pi 5) pictured below, however they have the same inputs and outputs.
Images of Raspberry Pi 4 Model B courtesy of @Mika Shaw.
Refer to Getting Started - Raspberry Pi Documentation.
Connect peripherals (e.g. mouse, keyboard, monitor) and networking (e.g. ethernet) to the Raspberry Pi, and then connect it to power, which can be supplied by a cable or directly through its header.
The Raspberry Pi may use microHDMI for video output. Adapters and cables are available.
First-time setup
On your laptop or another computer, download the Raspberry Pi OS onto a SD card (with capacity greater than 32GB). Follow https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/raspberry-pi-setting-up/2.
Go to
sudo raspi-config
to enable serial UART, SSH, and Camera, if applicable. Search up on google how to do it, there are tons of websites for tutorials.Create an account named
with the same password as the WARG laptopsudo useradd warg sudo passwd warg # prompt to enter the password...
The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is a method for securely sending commands from your computer to the Raspberry Pi over the same network. Note that the Raspberry Pi must be connected to Wi-Fi, it will automatically connect to available known networks on boot - you have to connect it to a hotspot during the flight test before leaving the bay.
Refer to https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/remote-access.html.
On the Raspberry Pi:
Connect the Raspberry Pi to the internet.
From the Preferences menu, launch Raspberry Pi Configuration.
Navigate to the Interfaces tab.
Select Enabled next to SSH.
Click OK.
Get the IP address of the Raspberry Pi.
Use one of the methods listed here: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/remote-access.html#find-the-ip-address-of-your-raspberry-pi.
On your remote machine:
Connect to the same network as the Raspberry Pi.
SSH into the Raspberry Pi using the following command:
ssh warg@raspberrypi.local
Enter the WARG password (same as WARG Laptop).
You should now see the Raspberry Pi command prompt in your terminal.
warg@raspberrypi.local ~ $
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows you to control the desktop of one device from another.
Refer to https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/remote-access.html#screen-share-with-vnc.
Note: VNC Viewer has not been installed. If you want to view the Pi GUI (and see the log images from the WARG laptop), please install it.
You can follow this small video How to Remote Desktop to your Raspberry Pi with VNC Viewer and download VNC viewer from here Download VNC Viewer for Windows by RealVNC®