ICARUS Electronics Preliminary Layout

ICARUS Electronics Preliminary Layout

Preliminary layout diagram shown below:

April 4th notes (Farris):

  • Verified that we can fit 6 6s batteries in the front battery compartment, however this would mean the 3s battery would have to be mounted somewhere on the top

    • Note: unlike what the diagram above suggests, the compartment for the batteries is at the front of the air craft (behind the front nose cone)

    • Additional note: There is a hole meant for the front FPV camera harness through the battery compartment, this hole will be blocked by the 6s batteries if we try to fit 6 of them in the battery compartment, so we’d have to figure out an alternative routing

  • Top area for electronics is about 6.5 in. x 17.75 in., at the wing mounting points it is reduced to about 6 in.

  • Height of components when mounted on top panel:

    • 3s battery: About 1 in. tall when laid flat

    • Power module: about 1.875 in. tall when laid on its side (this is the current orientation on cornflakes in order to expose power connections to the sides

  • Verification of fitting components vertically: The largest component (including a moderately sized margin to allow connected harnesses to bend around) in each row was measured to see how much space it takes vertically in diagram above

    • PDB is 3 in., Pixhawk is 5 in., MUX is 2 in., VTX is 2.5 in., Cytron is 5 in. Based on all this, the components should all be able to fit well in the 17.75 in. vertical space even if they are all laid directly vertical of each other

  • Verification of fitting components horizontally:

    • Going through each row, verified that all the components in the current configuration above will be able to fit side by side without extending beyond the sides of the top area

    • Unable to find the fans for the VTX and RFD, will have to reverify if we have those

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