June 11, 2023 Flight Test

June 11, 2023 Flight Test

Make sure to update the Title following the format “Jan 01, 2020 Flight Test”

 Flight Preparation

Requested by:

@Anthony Luo

Required Sub-teams


Requested Date

Jan 25, 2023

Location and Time

Location: WREST RC Time: June 11, specific time TBD

Summary & Goals

Takek off Vanny?


Yes / Pending / No

 Required Persons During Test


Phone #




Phone #



 @Anthony Luo


Flight Test Lead

  • Creating documentation

  • Booking the test flight

  • Creating a thread in #flight-staging

 @Anthony Luo @Megan Spee


 Pilot in Command

  • Aircraft preparation

  • Filling out documentation

@Conall Kingshott



  • Making sure everyone is safe

  • Bringing Med kit

 Other Attendees





@Nathan Green




Drivers & Seat Arrangement


Vehicle Type



Vehicle Type


@Anthony Luo

RAV 4 SDC Vehicle









 Success criteria


Success Criteria




Success Criteria



Testing Timeline





June 09 & 10

Pre-flight Preparation

TBD depending on Motorsport’s timeline on Sunday.

Following times assume morning.


Required persons for preflight preparation show up at bay, approx 8 am

Flight test lead briefly assign task for preparation work


Flight brief from flight test lead


Loading onto the Car

Take your water bottle with you. Go washroom before we leave!


Drive to the test ground


Flight Testing



Aircraft Incident Procedures






Outline the procedure for who will go to handle the aircraft in the event of a crash, what should be done, were emergency equipment is, etc.


Outline the procedure for flyaways. List relevant contact information for local authorities and plans of action to recover control of the aircraft

Configuration Error

Outline steps to take in the event of a configuration issue with the aircraft



Property Damage


Week-Before To-Do List

Drone Registration

Drone Registration Number:

Flight test location booked
Pilot scheduled
Test Plan (What we are testing)
This should also include the flight path where applicable
Subteam action items (for flight readiness)
Transportation logistics finalized
Booking SDC vehicles
Assigning drivers
Renting any needed equipment (trailer? generator? etc.)

Day-Before To-Do List

SDC Vehicle key collected (if required)
Drone batteries & spares
Transmitter batteries
Battery tester/indicator
On-site kit together
First Aid Kit
Ground station / Laptop
Antenna / Receivers
Extra Water
Power cords / Extension cables
Allen keys
Zip/Velcro ties
Safety goggles
Fire extinguisher
Spare foam
hot glue gun w/ hot glue stick
Airfame assembled
ESCs/flight controller wired
Radio equipment tested
Channel mappings
Flight modes
Motors tested
Wiring secured (Harnessing)
End-to-end test (neglecting props)
Check the center of gravity
All components not on the airframe that are required should be in the flight box (e.g. props & prop nuts)
Airframe payload
Spare parts
Airframe components (landing struts, arms, etc)
wings nuts
prop nuts
any detached components such as angle mount
props for other aircrafts such as Houston
Hardware to assemble these components
Flight controllers
Flight Code Flashed
Ground station Software updated

Pre-Departure Checklist

Take the WREST RC entrance card
Grab Pre-departure Items
Battery charger and associated cables(30tx to 60tx)
Check battery status
Charge if required, otherwise place into flight box
Systems test
Check flight controller orientation
Check motor spin & rotation direction
Check transmitter mappings
Verify communication links (VTX/RX, Controller, Groundstation)
Verify the mission planner is logging data
Only attach props directly before flight (keep off at all other times)
Get snacks
Mission Briefing
Read the flight plan to the team (that was made a week ago)
Purpose of flight
Plan of action
Success criteria
Delegate and brief on flight line roles
Safety Briefing
Key flight characteristics to observe
Key system characteristics to observe
Measurements to be made

Pre-flight Safety Checklist

Air Frame
Check all antennas, ensuring they are secure and in good condition
Check the battery emplacement and secure attachment and ensure there are no cracks
Check that all lights are operating normally
Check that all sensors are secured and clear of any obstructions
Check that the GPS is receiving satellites and providing a navigation solution
For fixed wing aircraft, Check:
Wings, ensuring they are securely attached to fuselage
Wing leading edge surfaces
Top and bottom of wing surfaces
Wing tip surfaces
Read of wing and all flight control surfaces for freedom of movement, security and any skin damage
For rotary aircraft:
Inspect top and bottom of air frame arms for cracks, loose parts, or signs of damage
Check fluid levels and ensure no leaks if applicable
Control Surfaces
Ensure Elevator moves correctly
Ensure Ailerons move correctly
Ensure Rudder moves correctly
Landing Gear
Check landing gear is secure
Inspect skids or wheels, especially attachment points
Power plant
Cowling or motor casing
Security of engine mounts
Presence of any cracks
All wiring and connectors, ensure no cracks, loose connectors, or chaffing
Propellers / Rotors
Ensure propeller is secured
Check for nicks, chips or cracks
Ensure prop direction is correct
Inspect to ensure there is no signs of swelling, external leaking or other defects
Battery wiring and connectors from the battery are connected securely
Batteries (and spares) are adequately charged
Wires are not pinched
Control Station / Receivers / Transmitter
The battery and spare batteries if required are adequately charged
Control Station device and cables are properly connected and functioning
All flight interfaces are functioning normally
Good visibility and safe wind speed
Surrounding is free of obstacles
Crew far from drone
General Site Survey
Are there other people on the property
Ground Recording / drone footage on
Control surfaces respond to autopilot in the correct manner
Transitions between flight modes have expected effect
Return-to-home systems, if present, have been configured

Post-Flight Checklist





Use Flight-Post Mortem to Debrief


Discard of damaged batteries


Discharge used batteries for better longevity


Flight Debrief

In total, multiple flights were performed. Basic functions such as flight modes, RTL, auto-land, and failsafes were tested.

Flight set #1 (basic function + flight modes)

The first set of batteries was put in for basic functionality check of the drone.

Voltage of first set of batteries on the first set of initial flights

The drone was flown in three different flight modes, in the following order:

  • Stabilize, Megan

  • Stabilize, Anni

  • AltHold, Megan

  • Loiter, Megan

Flight set #2 (RC, GCS failsafe + RTL)

The first set of batteries was then used for testing RTL, RC Failsafe, and GCS Failsafe.

Voltage of first set of batteries on second set of flights

The order of testing was as follows:

  • Stabilized takeoff + flyout → RTL (from short range)

  • Loiter takeoff + flyout → Transmitter poweroff (with RC link through RFD900’s) → Smart RTL

  • Loiter takeoff + flyout → RFD900 poweroff (RC Link on drone directly). → Loiter landing.

    • “Continue if in pilot controlled modes on GCS failsafe” was checked.

  • Loiter takeoff + flyout → RFD900 poweroff (RC Link on drone directly) → RTL

    • “Continue if in pilot controlled modes on GCS failsafe” now unchecked.

  • Testing RTL mode actions on altitude

    • first test ensures loiter will climb to RTL altitude

    • second test ensures loiter will only descend at landing time.

Flight Set #3 (testing autoland, position hold)

A new set of batteries were used to test position hold, RTL, and autoland accuracy.

Voltage of second set of batteries over flight set #3
  • GPS-Only loiter accuracy was observed to be within +/-30cm when left at no stick input (very good).

  • RTL accuracy evaluated to be roughly +/-50cm


Flight Test Post Mortem

  • Vanny Flew

  • Pitch/Roll tune looks good

  • Total flight time for 50% battery capacity is around

  • Altitude hold incredibly consistent

  • Yaw control is lacking (almost as bad as cornflakes).

    • Megan doesn’t think it was as bad. Maybe 1/2 as bad as cornflakes. Spun it around a lot and it responded in a predictable way.

  • ,

Logs here: https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uwarg_uwaterloo_ca/EiGR3sG4uM5Gr15i40EfLP8Bzvi_Wu2oMfD9rSTNAVL9-g?e=ehv0dz

Photos here: https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/uwarg_uwaterloo_ca/EtUtjlQe_kpPuI0S8IbM6YoB5-gikldpSNRogi2iGjDLoQ?e=bCaPyL

Flight Characteristics

Since this is the maiden flight of Vanny for a while, I’d like to go over some flight characteristics.

Pitch/Roll Control

Pitch/Roll control was good, however the drone was slightly sluggish to respond and the maximum roll/pitch angle could be higher (I think).

AltitudeHold Roll vs Desired Roll

In the above image, you can see that there is some overshoot and oscillation on roll, which you can more clearly see on a zoomed in crop of the last few half-impulses before returning to center:

Althold Roll vs DesRoll overshoot / oscillation

The same can be observed on the pitch axis:

AltHold DesPitch vs Pitch graphs.

Note that during the entire impulse test, the drone was able to maintain altitude fairly well, although it’s difficult to tell since the drone is correcting for it’s own altitude during flight. This will be discussed more when I talk about altitude hold.

Yaw Control

Yaw control seems to be one of the weaker items on our drone . Not sure if this is due to poor tuning or throttle output saturation (unlikely). In general, the drone would carry a lot of momentum after letting go of the yaw input, and would tend to overshoot / continue with yawing after letting go of the stick (often leading to backstick).

Pilot controlled yaw vs desired yaw
(mostly) software only yaw control. Step inputs from pilot.

I’m not sure what might cause this - but I would like to compare results after running auto-tune on yaw.

Altitude Control

Altitude control was excellent, even without a rangefinder. The GPS + Barometer + IMU system on the higher end pixhawk is really doing wonders to keep the drone stable.

Desired Alt vs Alt graph from flight #2

You can see pretty clearly that our altitude and desired altitude are quite close to each other, in all guided flight modes. There is some measured “oscillation”, but this is very small. Any actual difference in altitude during flight would have come from errors in measuring / calculating altitude from EK3.

Pilot Controlled + Automatic Altitude Hold (desired vs measured)
Throttle input vs throttle output

It is worth noting that the hover throttle was fairly consistent throughout all flights, with the individual motor outputs being around 1500 us. Angle boost was also fairly minimal, but present and effective at helping the drone maintain hover:

Angle boost being applied during impulse flight. Notice hover throttle changing & learning.
Individual motor outputs during flight

Red = Front Right

Green = Back Left

Blue = Front Left

Orange = Back Right

In general, it’s hard to determine if one side of the drone is significantly more imbalanced than the other, but you can clearly tell that the hover throttle for the drone is around half (i’m not sure if there’s better measurements that I can make).

Position Accuracy

Target Position vs Position (N, E)

In general, position accuracy was great (considering this is one non-rtk gps). We were within +/-50cm doing multiple takeoffs and RTL’s, and the drone logs show that desired position and actual position correspond quite well. In general, this tells us that any deviation we see in position would come from measurement inaccuracies from the sensors themselves.

RCA for Red Items

Create a RCA and keep it as a child page.

Action Items

Autotune yaw/pitch/roll axis.
Test / compare position accuracy with Optical flow, dual gps
Test VN-300
Test auto missions

Other Resources

Booking WRESTRC Field



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