CFD Report Template

CFD Report Template

This document serves as a guide and a template for CFD simulation reports. [remove this line before publishing the actual report].


Briefly describe the goal of the simulation.

  • what is being simulated and why



  • screenshot of the geometry, and also the domain

  • explain which named selections are applied and where (preferably, screenshots of the named selections are also shown)


  • screenshot of the mesh

  • how many cells in the mesh?

  • include a screenshot of the mesh settings, or summarize them in a table

Boundary conditions

  • which boundary conditions are applied, where?

  • Value of flow inlet, and outlet pressure


  • Which solver is being used?

  • What are the residual values? (also include convergence criteria is those are set)

  • How many iterations?



  • Compare the simulation results with existing data only if this is possible (i.e. airfoil simulation results can be compared to NACA plot)


  • Include residual plots

  • plots of the variables being monitored (i.e. lift plot, drag plot)

  • final values of the variables of interest

Surface plots

  • Screenshot of velocity and pressure distribution (can be on a plane, or on the geometry surface)



  • summarize the final values. Was the simulation successful? Challenges faced?

  • provide any recommendations based off the findings from the simulation (i.e. part re-design)