Workshop 1 - Introduction and CFD

Workshop 1 - Introduction and CFD

GOAL - Introduce why simulations are important and explain the basics of CFD simulations on UAVs, with a focus on quadcopters. Fixed wing can be explored if there is extra time.

Invite people who may also have experience in simulations to offer insight.


Other resources: Simscale Drone Flight Simulation | Blog | SimScale

Before the Workshop

To make things easy to follow during this workshop, I highly recommend you download and try launching both SolidWorks and Ansys Workbench beforehand. These resources are available for free to students.

This workshop assumes you have been onboarded to the team already. If this is not the case, you are still welcome to attend, but I will be assuming you have access to:

  • Confluence

  • Asana

  • Discord


Link to PPT slide:

CFD 101.pptx

Link to recordings:

1st recording shows here. Technical difficulties with wifi ensued at one point, please see more clips in the onedrive (linked below).

Rest posted to https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/personal/uwarg_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?login_hint=uwarg%40uwaterloo%2Eca&id=%2Fpersonal%2Fuwarg%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FSubteam%20Folders%2FMechanical&view=0

Due to difficulty with audio the demo has no audio. . Good news, Smile has the CFD tutorial in written form you can follow along with. Ansys Fluent - Basic CFD Tutorial