2023-11-15 Efs leads sync

2023-11-15 Efs leads sync

Chris chung leading

Hardy, Derek, Chris, Aadi, Ayoung, Daniel in attendence

Chris giving lesdership principles.

Leads should be able to know who to contact for questions. Leads should keep track of who the point person is for projects. Just having the lead title means people will default to you for questions, you may not have answer so shpuld know where to send people. For efs people sometimes come in and out (dip after bootcamp), important to retain people thay are committed and are interested. Starts with first impressions, make sure to engage new members (ask them quesrions, tell them about yourself), make people comfy. Engage new members, talk to them, remember their name, first impressions are important. There will always be that core group of people on a team, but espeacilly on socials and meetings should try to talk to newer members, have that conversation, it hss a lasting impact. If people join and nobody engages them they will feel unwelcome and leave. First impressions matter a lot for retention. When Hardy and Derek joined it was clear they were very active and interested and putting jn a lot of effort on a variety kf projects even though they were new. Put effort into keeping those that are engaged and reliable on tasks, good candidates for future leads. In terms of tasks hard ti give people exactly what they want, important to keep team priority. There’s not many projects thay are pure code, the arch and integration is a big task. Cant rlly assign new memvers a big task right off the bat. People that participate then dip then come back are kinda unreliable si avoid giving high stakes tasks. Have a grasp on team members. Be aware of projects. Having PMs is good for large projects.

If dunno something just ask. People will help you. Each subteam is organized differently. Half the people thay start bootcamp will never finish, and half people who start a task wont finish it, we all have a lot going on. Ensure people who wanna contribute are doing things that make em wanna sticj around.

Lead by example. Your members will be afraid to ping other people, just do the pings yourself and ask for help. You dont want your members to get dtuck and give yp without asking for help.

Bootcamp is by design.

Request members to do things. Leads arent expected to do everything. You cant keep track of everyone, its a lot, leverage PMs, check in on people. Splitting big projects is reasonable or having PMs is big. Divide and conquer on project focusses. Delegate out responsibility. New projects leads really need to be involved.

Projects need lead direction. Leads need to set clear expectations for timelines and scope. Asana currently tracks the truth of all tasks for EFS. Asana is needed bc too many tasks to keep track of otherwise. Force people to use PM tools.

Zp (am, tm, pm, drivers, milestones), cots (gemini, gps, lidar, lights, can sensor board), simulator (SIL simulation, could use flightgear or ros, matlab and simulink is a lot of effort to manually create models by hand, projrct lacks oversight right now), tracking antenna

Projects need long term direction, efs also needs to come up with new projexts. Efs doesnt wanna go back. Spent a lot of time refactoring on zeropilot, want to hard stop refsctoring. People are finishing and they need tasks. Drivers are a good one shot thing, should never need to be changed. More members we have means more tasks are required. Looking toward cots stuff bc more direct impact for comp stuff so should be prioritized. Can kinda lend people for integration efforts.

Fostering relationship between efs and ee should be pog. Need to sync with ee people at end of term. Having a random new projects list is a good idea.

Taking care of bootcampers. Currently Chris and Ayoung run sessions twice a week. Aroujd five people per session. Helps a lot with retention. In past anni and chris did one on ones fkr bootcampers, grouping togrthrr helps a lot. Chris will prolly take one onboarding next term. Chris will focus on technical mentorship: random questions and bootcamper sessions and maybe weekly tutorial sessions.

Delegation is a skill, lots of long term objectives will come from directors and leads should focus on making them bitsized for members

All subteams use Asana and Confluence differently.

Possibly moving to anothrr PM platform, read data handling document.

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