2023-11- 27 EFS Future Task Discussion Among Leads

2023-11- 27 EFS Future Task Discussion Among Leads

EFS New Project / Task Brainstorm



  • Because we are running out of task. Some current efs members don’t have task to do. We also have to have some open tasks so that when a new member join, they can pick up a task. Also a preparation for the start of next term.


What you need to do:

  • Brainstorm more good tasks or project. Or breaking down existing task into smaller piece, so people can work on them in parallel. Or extending task on existing task. 

  • Any input is appreciated, and we will discuss the feasibility in a meeting sometime, (best if we can get this done before next efs meeting)



Ideas from @Hardy Yu :

Easy to get people working on them now:

Telemetry Manager

  • I heard from Yuchen he is shifting his focus onto tracking antenna project. Now, only @Yarema is working with telemetry manager at the moment. Thinking of giving him more hands

  • Maybe chat with Yamera for how he wish the M2 TM task could break down to, and bring people to PM

  • M3 TM PID upload, no one is working on it yet. Can let people get started on it


  • two more ppl can be assigned to TM

  • also Yarema to be official Project Manager



Installing ZP3.5 software on ZP3 board

  • Nice if we can use zp3 board that ee team made.

  • Need someone probably onsite to work with zp3 board, give the board a firmware

  • I lost tracking of zp3 validation progress, but pretty sure this task hasn’t been done yet. Someone can take it away from Aiden


  • make a decision on the pinout allocation for all the peripherals on ZP - TODO

    • for both Nucleo and ZP PCB

  • have two ppl assigned to this / or one ppl do it

    • one for each board


ZP3 Validation Image

  • validate the ZP3 connectivities using hil

    • is this feasible?

    • probably not

  • Instead, we assign one ppl to keep on working the left work from Aiden

  • Create a testing software that calls all individual test in a certain frequency, and all the connectivity need to be tested by hardware

  • Record the expected validation image to a doc to set a standard for future validation work

  • need that person to be in-person, could be assigned to new member

  • own repo, separate from zp

  • can’t be using LOS

  • PPM input driver needs to be there


Adding ZP3 PCB board file to ZP3.5 firmware


Infra - SWO Script printing

  • talk to Tong, if he is no longer interested, then we can hand this task to someone else



New Project Manager

  • AM - aiden is gonna step down, find a new pm

  • PM- neha is the current pm, might delegate Liang? to this position

  • TM - Yarema to be the new PM

  • SM - talk to Gagan for the next step

New project idea:

Custom Can Hub

  • Maybe this can be a project for the future, make our custom can hub that can be used on our custom FC system(ZP) or even on ardupilot

  • Something similar to this 3DR

  • We could first make a prototype with stm32 MCU, then ask ee to make a board to load our firmware

  • Initiative of using can: less wire, fast, robust both in electrical and message delivery

  • More info about UAV CAN: CAN bus on UAVs




  • Assign formal PM to projects in the next meeting or so

  • confirm the RTK GPS we gonna buy, done this before next term

  • what is going on in the simulator? sync to leads


# of ppl needed



# of ppl needed



1 ~ 2


Pinout mapping for ZP board/Nucleo



zp3 validation image


Ethan Leung

Adding ZP3 PCB board file to ZP3.5 firmware



SWO Printing



OpenOCD w/ VSCode Config



Setup Linting/ Setup Python Tool Script



PPl awaiting for task:

  • Ethan leung,

- Lokesh Patel,

  • Hunter Adams



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