2024-05-21 TM Sync

2024-05-21 TM Sync

Task Status:

circular buffer Driver - Yarema - done

Implementing the TM circular buffer - Rahual? - used in Mavlink and GSC and right now it is blocking both the parts

Ground Station Com (Transmitter) - Roni - close to finish

Writing unit test cases for Mavlink Parser - Ayush - got started

Mavlink Translator - Yarema - blocked by the circular queue

Ria - taskless


What needs to be done:

  • In SM, create the instance of TM, and run the task

  • How does SM gather the drone status data and pass the data to TM?

    • Send some random data if we don’t have available data yet

    • Need some inter-task buffer to do the data transmission between managers

  • Deadline for Circular queue data structure? - Friday, 0524, pr needs to be up!

  • Mavlink translator - Friday 0524


Flow chart for reference:


Idea in the flow chart:

TM is made up of Mavlink Parser and Ground Station Comm

Mavlink Parser and interpolate the message from GS or encode a piece of message

GSC is data communication from TM to the ground

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