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Team Announcements




Last Flight Test

Alison Thompson

  • Flew Pegasus on 6 batteries and on 4 batteries

  • 4 batteries flies for ~ 40 mins @ 8m/s, 6 batteries flies for ~ 60 mins @ 7m/s

  • Decision was made to shift to 4 battery config with new higher capacity batteries that are around the same dimensions as current batteries

Next Flight Test

Alison Thompson

  • Next flight test will be Jan 27th

  • Testing

    • PEGASUS: Sensor Calibration + Perf Evaluation

    • HOUSTON: Gemini, Obstacle Avoidance

    • GROUND: Tracking antenna

  • Add yourself to attendees in 2024-01-27 Pegasus + Houston Flight Test if you plan on attending

Upcoming Team Events

Alison Thompson

  • Team Social: Jan 27th - next Saturday - bake night! Please see ⁠ops-events⁠: this is a team-wide event, please drop a reaction on Megan’s 'bake night thread' message or reply to it if you're planning to attend. We'll be making cupcakes/cookies/something easy and fun! :D

Last Work Session

Alison Thompson

  • Machine shop was full and I forgot to book the composites room so we mostly worked on people’s CAD tasks

  • CF tubes for cabin were cut

Next Work Session

Alison Thompson

  • Unformal work session led by Conall Kingshott at some point during the week potentially? Monday Jan 29, 2pm next week

  • Official work session on Saturday Jan 27th @1:30pm

  • Will work on peggy rev 2 plate layups, hopefully rev 2 center block + connectors, drill and cut rev 2 x-frame tubes

Other Announcements

Alison Thompson

  • Proper PDM, Solidworks, and docs usage

  • Please read conops! Links

  • If you have any questions about 3D printing, PDM issues, or any mech processes, you can find docs here: Guides

  • AEAC Syncs are Mondays @7pm in E7 4043, recommended if you are working on comp related projects (pegasus, houston, and tracking antenna)





Electronics Cases


Alison Thompson

Nathaniel Li - Give update on Center Assembly Lightening

Hao Gao - Landing Gear Upgrades I think we need to talk some of these ideas through after the meeting

Conall Kingshott - Waterproofing ? Don’t think you’ve gotten to this yet but if you have anything you wanna share

Jonathan Di Giorgio - anything you want to share on these? Do you need anything from us? ETA on this? Current ones are broken


Evan Janakievski

Antenna Tracker

Arjun Mandair

Antenna Tracker General Updates

  • Good news, Servos just restocked today!

  • Edit holes sizes and bending radius of sheet metal components to be more realistic

  • Had a variety of conversations with Anthony Luo about electrical components and understanding

    • He suggested making a small box for small electrical components that could be taped to ensure weatherproofing (Sounds like an Asana Task!)

  • Edit the Tracking Antenna Status & Mechanical/Electrical Components components to include full list of electrical and mechanical components

    • According to calculations present during the 2024-01-22 AEAC Sync , TOTAL = $274 + SHIPPING + TAX + ALUMINUM

  • For easy assembly and disassembly of electronic components on the metal baseplate, we were thinking about utilizing Velcro instead of screwing into the metal.

    • Original plan was to screw electrical components in but since height adjustment mechanism is no longer a requirement, we no longer need super secure components

    • Any objections?

Member Development Updates

  • Thushanth Parameswaran Saw your email on the Gemini Mount Completion. Looks pretty good. Thanks for the help!

    • I saw that you have screws at the bottom, however, we plan on using Velcro and having a similar mounting pattern as the drone instead.

    • Do you mind tailoring it to using Velcro instead of the screws?

    • Also please move the CAD into the antenna tracker folder

  • Sohee Yoon Sohee Yoon how’s the

    • Saw the CAD on PDM looks pretty good. Thanks for the help!

    • Can you also CAD the AKK TS832?

    • Can you also change the CAD similar to what Thushanth Parameswaran is doing?


New Tasks

Antenna Tracker

FPV front camera mount: to be reviewed

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