Clamping Leg Blocks


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Big Project


Project Manager

2024 Comp Drone

Clamping Leg Blocks

@Conall Kingshott

Task Description

We are looking to modify the existing leg blocks on the frame to apply a vertical clamping force to mitigate vibrations.



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Apply vertical clamping force to the legs to mitigate vibrations and deformation of materials over time.

@Conall Kingshott


Minimize weight wherever possible.

@Conall Kingshott


Incorporate the mounting blocks with side shroud clipping design.

@Conall Kingshott




Asana Task



Asana Task


@Jonathan Di Giorgio


Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Conall Kingshott Date: 2023/10/06


  • Main body of the block will be made with CF PETG due to its strong strength and resistance to deformation along with the low weight of printed parts.

  • A slotted will exist in the middle of the part for the clamping end piece.

  • This end piece will be driven downwards by an M5 screw which will pass through a tapped hole in an aluminum plate at the top of the block.

  • Printed areas to accommodate the clips for the CF side panels will be added to the print.

Author: @Jonathan Di Giorgio Date: 2024/01/07

V1 of clamps:

  • The entire assembly was made in CAD, designed to be manufactured by 3D printing and laser jetting of 1/8 inch aluminum sheets

  • Heat set inserts were used for structural fastening

  • Includes slots for battery shroud to slip into with help from @Andy Zhang

  • New holes were drilled into the drone chassis to accommodate the new fastening layout

  • The assembly was manufactured and installed onto the drone

  • The installed clamp was visibly successful at reducing vertical vibration and flexure

Installed Clamp


Semi-exploded view




Author: @Jonathan Di Giorgio Date: 2024/01/07

Failure of clamp V1:

  • After some time on the drone, the clamp assembly failed (broke)

  • A large crack is visible on the inner column of the clamp, and the heat set inserts appear to be slightly peaking out

  • The most likely suspect of failure is the large clamping force applied on the assembly or over-torquing of the bolts

    • The thin nature of features around the crack is one suspected cause

Next Steps:

  • More accurately define the root cause of failure

    • Perhaps using some FEA

  • Conduct a redesign while salvaging the unaffected parts






Author: @Jonathan Di Giorgio Date: 2024/01/22

1st redesign:

  • moved the clip holes outwards but its still pretty thin inwards

  • in order to make that thicker the options are

    • make the tube contact thinner (remachine the aluminum insert)

    • move the holes (re drill the frame)

  • its also possible that we may have just overtorqued the bolts originally and thats what caused failure

Author: @Jonathan Di Giorgio Date: 2024/01/24

2nd redesign:

  • Made contact smaller to add more thickness around the fracture region

  • Contacts and aluminum inserts to be reprinted and remachined

  • The top aluminum threaded plate may continue to be used (will remain functionally the same, but may be a little less aesthetically pleasing since it is not completely flush)