Dual FPV Camera Mount


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager


Electronics Mount

@Nathan Green

Task Description

Design and 3D print a mount to fix 2 FPV cameras. One will be forwards facing, one will be downwards. Refer to the current design:





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Append Date

1 FPV camera faces forward and 1 faces downwards

@Smile Khatri

March 19, 2024

Mount fixes to the existing X-frame carbon fiber plate (30 x 30 grid or cheese holes)

@Smile Khatri

March 19, 2024

Needs to be more robust to reduce vibrations in camera feed

@Nathan Green

May 5, 2024

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Asana Task



Asana Task


@Nathaniel Li

Mechanical - Double FPX Camera Mount - Asana

Mar 19, 2024

Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Nathaniel Li Date: Mar 22, 2024

Initial Design

  • Can be found in COMP2024 → Electronics Mounts → Camera

  • M3 holes connect to the corners of a 30 x 30 grid

  • Top camera will be facing forward, bottom camera will be facing down

    • The bottom extrusion are intentionally designed to be longer as the camera faces downward and there needs to be clearance for the cable to be connected

Author: @Nathaniel Li Date: Apr 2, 2024

Revision 1

  • Can be found in COMP2024 → Electronics Mounts → Camera

  • Change was made to work around the battery shroud that would otherwise block the front facing camera that was placed on top

  • The main concept is still the same (using the diagonal 30 x 30 M3 holes) with the only change being extended legs on the bottom and 2 additional M2 holes for the front facing camera

    • An additional 10mm was left between the two cameras so that the bottom facing one has enough clearance for the cable

Author: @Nathaniel Li Date: May 7, 2024

Revision 2 - Strengthening

  • Can be found in COMP2024 → Electronics Mounts → Camera

  • Doubled wall thickness from 2mm to 4mm

  • Added gussets to corners

  • Added a beam between top and bottom facing cameras (not sure how effective this is at strengthening)

  • Overall, much chunkier now which should be a lot stronger, open to any ideas or changes as this was quickly done