Box for Small Electrical Components

Box for Small Electrical Components


Big Project


Project Manager

Big Project


Project Manager

Antenna Tracker

Electronics Cases

@Arjun Mandair

Task Description

We need a box that will house small electrical components that will be taped inside the box. This box will contain the XBEE, RFD900, BMX 160, EP1/EP2, and TBS M8.2, and will be mounted to the antenna tracker aluminum baseplate. More information on these projects can be found: Tracking Antenna Status & Mechanical/Electrical Components. Thanks for the help!



Written By

Append Date


Written By

Append Date


@Arjun Mandair

Jan 23, 2024

Easy to Mount (Utilize Velcro or 30mm by 30mm M3 cutout holes)

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 23, 2024

Electrical connectivity (are wires able to run outside the container without compromises the electrical components within the box ?)

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 23, 2024

3D printable

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 23, 2024

Flexible (is it easy to add more components than planned for?)

@Arjun Mandair

Jan 23, 2024

Relevant Contacts



Contact Description



Contact Description


@Hardy Yu @Yuchen Lin

The contacts are responsible for the electrical components utilized.



Asana Task



Asana Task


@Ben Lovegrove



Task Progression/Updates

Author: @Ben Lovegrove Date: 2024/03/26

Initial Design

Box designed to fit multiple parts with the ability to scale by inserting new pieces in order to insert new components.

The box is designed to be mounted using Velcro tape and is able to be 3D printed. The ventilation slats are designed in such a way that any water can’t enter the box.


Author: @Arjun Mandair Date: Mar 27, 2024

Review 1:

Hey @Ben Lovegrove, very cool design! I like your method of expanding. Below is you’re review, alongside some questions:


  • What was your reasoning for assembling two different parts? Why is one part longer than the other? I think your design will be a lot better with expandable Middle Pieces, but I would like to understand your initial thoughts.

  • I love the idea, but I think there could be improvements on the overall design. The End Piece (Figure 1) could be something we have on all four sides, and the square piece you made could also be something that expands in all directions (Figure 2). Does this make sense? If confusing, please ping me!

  • To put it into perspective, refer to Figure 3. This is the Antenna Tracker. The components you made is around 220mm (or 150mm if only consider the Front Case). This assumes that there will be no mounts or anything interfering with you in single direction. This will not be true if we plan on expanding. Your design should have each case be a maximum of 70mm (this assumes that no sensor is larger than 70mm, which I believe is fair since it’s a case for small electronics that are easy to “throw on”). A 70mm maximum also ensures we can cover a 70mm by 70mm area minimum, which will be better than a 150mm by 70mm minimum. This will essentially free up more space.

  • Tolerancing should also be considered on Figure 4. I think a 0.25 - 0.5mm tolerance will be sufficient. The looser the better in this case, since there are no crazy forces acting on this case.

  • With a 70mm by 70mm minimum, I also want you to utilize the M3 holes if possible. This will enable us to screw the case in if need be. See what you can come up with!


Again, great stuff so far! If you have any questions, or if there is anything you would like to discuss, please feel free to let me know.


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3


Figure 4


Second Design

I started by designing two pieces that connect to the outside of the main expandable body to serve as walls, this is because there are both outer and inner slots on the outside of the box.

In order to allow the expandable pieces to mount on the frame I had to make them 90mm by 90mm and made it so that the bolts go in the supporting legs.

The mounting slots were made to only go half way down the part so they wouldn’t interfere with the slots for the bolts to go in. Tolerancing was also added to be everywhere on the mount so that the pieces wouldn’t interfere.

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