2/7/2022 Meeting Minutes



Action Items



Action Items

@Kevin Li

  • Filed a few reimbursements

  • Transferred components for ZP2.0, Gimbal, and FW Training to WARG bay

  • PDB Rev 2.0

  • Bootcamp

  • Helping Darwin, Akshat, Ethan, Jatin, and Kevin Song with power distribution and motor controller

@Daniel Puratich (Unlicensed)


  • Hot air station sourcing

  • Testing Firmware

  • Block Diagram

@Kiran Surendran



@Jason Skells

  • Got the motor controller ready for design review

  • Fixing issues brought up in the design review

@Muhammad Tanveer

  • Finished temp sensing, finalized sourcing (other than headers)

  • Finalize header sourcing

  • Clean up schematic for design review

@Darwin Clark

  • Soldered 90% of components on FWTraining (ADC, Headers, ect.)

  • Got through ~10 more pages in Buck Converter Datasheet

  • Solder remaining components on FWTraining

    • Start to verify board? Reach out to Gordon?

  • Finish Buck converter datasheet

  • Create + Check-in new Altium project

  • Source components for buck converter

  • Finish schematic

@Seungmin Hong


  • Select viable batter connector

  • Schematic design review

@Ethan Abraham

  • Created spreadsheet and gone through LM25116 formulas with example design given

  • Tweak independent variables to minimize ripple voltage, power losses, etc.

  • Choose values based on part availability

  • Finish schematic and sourcing for next Monday

@Jatin Mehta

  • Started checking out DigiKey gate drivers

  • Read through more datasheets

  • Create spreadsheet with possible components for motor controller

@Kevin Song



@Neel Bullywon