10/25/2022 Meeting Minutes



Action Items



Action Items

@Daniel Puratich



@Ethan Abraham

  • ZP3 schematic lock (interboard pinning confirmed)

  • Procurement order placed for ZP3 primary components and some motor controller components (Digikey and McMaster orders have already arrived)

  • Rough ZP3 layout completed, needs tuning

  • Need to refine placement to adjust for new p-channel

  • Begin routing

@Anthony Bertnyk

  • 1/2 Phoenix electronics soldered

  • Wire has arrived, have everything to continue phoenix

  • Continue with Phoenix

@Darwin Clark

  • nothing

  • Finish brainstorming interface board features

  • Create letticemeet for 1/2 FW team members to review items

@Neel Bullywon

  • Wrote justification for updated components

  • Split up work and will look into writing justification for other parts.

@Nolan Haines

  • Copied Googled Doc into Confluence and formatted

  • Started writing justifications for updated components

  • Find inductor with slightly higher current rating

  • Update justifications with team lead recommendations

  • Find any new components if needed

@Muhammad Tanveer



@Jennifer Yun



@Michael Botros



@Steven Wang

  • Find new IC for the boost converter board

  • Pick Resistor, inductor and capacitor value for the circuit