Safety Captain

Safety Captain

Role Description

The team safety captain is responsible all aspects of onsite safety management and general orderliness of the bay. This description is our internal description, the SDC also provides guidance which aligns with this (if not please update it). Key responsibilities are listed below:

  • Once a term:

    • Conducting termly inspection with SSDC Manager (as of W24 this is Graeme)

      • This is the big one where we’re informed of any short comings from the SDC that we need to rectify.

      • Directors cannot assist with this as per SDC rules.

    • Conduct an inspection of our bay with a safety captain from another SDC team.

    • Print off a list of directors with their phone numbers for the safety binder each term.

  • With support from subteam leads:

    • Ensuring team members have completed the required safety training courses before using the bay

      • WHMIS for students, Student Design Centre Safety Requirements, & Worker health and safety awareness process. This is all documented in Onboarding for new members to easily digest.

      • This should be done in partnership with subteam leads via the Team Roster Information and is not all on you as safety captain.

    • Help enforce bay rules and cleanliness requirements: Bay Policies

    • Train the next safety captain!

    • Maintain safety binder

      • this is a physical binder we have in he bay that stores: safety datasheets, director contact info, and other safety documentation.

      • It’s mostly carryover from past terms, but sometimes stuff comes up.

  • With support from purchasing:

    • Ensure items in the bay that we purchase

    • Ensure Safety Datasheets for all hazardous stuff we buy and store in the bay.

    • Ensure new purchases meet CSA approval for electronics.

  • With support from flight testers and competition travel team

    • review key health risks and take an active role in safety for our competition and testing

SDC Description

Having a safety captain is required by the SDC. The requirements for safety captains are emailed to our WARG email around the start of each term and should be documented here for future reference.


New term information for safety captains.

Please ensure you have an appointed safety captain for the term. The safety captain should be a senior member with a good understanding of your team’s projects, especially manufacturing. Team or sub team leads should not also be safety captains.

Safety captains responsibilities:

  • Ensure team binders are up to date with team contact information, Standard Operating Procedures for tools and processes, and Material Safety Data Sheets.

  • Maintain and update your team’s chemical inventory.

  • Complete two bay inspections per term. You need to complete theses bay inspections with a safety captain from another team.

  • Ensure the lab hazard poster (on bay door) is up to date.

  • Sign up (when posted) and attend a mid term safety inspections. I or another SDC staff member will conduct these inspections.

  • Monitor the safe storage, use, and disposal of chemicals used in the bay or shared spaces. You will need to complete the safe chemical handling course, especially if you plan to dispose of chemicals. Safe Chemical Handling (SO2032) | Safety Office | University of Waterloo

  • Ensure all electrical equipment especially new purchases meet CSA standards.

  • Reachout to SSDC Manager with any questions.



Safety Manual

Acceptable CSA Approval Equivalents


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