SDC Driver

SDC Driver

  • A SDC driver must be in the SDC list

  • For a flight test, the person delegated as the intended driver for the flight test is responsible for the completion of the following. Be that by doing it themselves or delegating it clearly to someone else:

    • Ensuring the vehicle key and information pouch is picked up before the flight test.

      • NOTE: During long weekends, the E5 machine shop is closed on Saturday. Sometimes, the staff may leave early on Friday. Ensure that the car key is picked up ahead of time.

    • Ensuring all vehicle policies are followed during its use

    • The driver must refuel the vehicle

      • However, if the fuel gauge indicator shows that there is more than 7/8ths of fuel remaining then it is reasonable to not refuel

    • Return the keys in the pouch back to the E5 machine shop

    • Coordinate with the Flight Test Coordinator to be sure expectations are set clearly.


From @Jerry Tian ‘s meeting with Branca (the SDC driver form lady), she told @Jerry Tian we can ask Prof Teerstra nicely that drivers on co-op term are not able to drive. So they are not taking up the team’s SDC driver slots and they don’t need to be removed from the SDC driver list. Purpose of this is to avoid redundant paperwork and save time for both parties.


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