FPP: Path to Beginner GSO
We are currently not offering progression for fixed-wing pilots due to limited resources. We hope to resolve this soon and I promise that we are actively working towards it.
This (hopefully short) document outlines all of the resources that you’ll want to reference and understand in order to prepare you for your beginner GSO evaluation. Please pay attention to the , , , labels, as they all describe important parts of your progression (not just for beginner, but for all future progressions!)
We’ve broken this document down into 4 sections;
A description of your evaluation procedure
All the WARG equipment and resources that you need to understand
All the external resources that you’ll want to know
Submitting your documents and links to evaluations
Evaluation Procedure
When you apply for your beginner evaluation, we will require you to complete the following tasks:
Timed online quiz
general quiz covering general competencies
air-frame specific quiz covering airframe specific competencies
If applicable, submit proof of RPAS - Basic license
Once you have completed items 1-2, and an expert pilot for your skill tree has reviewed your documents and approved your eligibilty for progression, you will be given access to the simulator and be put on the queue for buddy boxing.
In-person demonstration
WARG Resources
Airframe References
You will need to know everything in the quick start guide, the hardware configuration, software configuration, and basic operation sub-pages.
Command and Control setup
Houston workshop https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aZYjTqNEe21wlcTg3HHlN3s0QXIqd9sFLToTExayLVs/edit
Understand the parts of the drone presented
ELRS workshop https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ktFvN8JRG8-yWZjLSe8Cli1stZJVF11/view?usp=drive_link ExpressLRS Workshop.pptx - Google Slides
What is ELRS
How to bind ELRS (RC Link + Airport)
Setting up RFD900’s
Setting up & connecting to mission planner
Offloading logs over USB (TX16 + Drone side)
Battery Handling
You will need to know how to calculate the safe voltage limits of a battery, how to determine whether or not a battery is safe to use, as well as how to transport, store, and dispose of a battery.
External Resources
Getting a drone pilot certificate (canada.ca)
RPAS - Basic licensing - Administration - WARG (atlassian.net)
Acquire a small basic pilot certificate and submit your pilot license.
Specific Guides
Mission Planner Overview — Mission Planner documentation (ardupilot.org)
particularly what happens with a bad setup (or failure)
RCVideo Reviews on Youtube
Oscar Liang on the gooble
Joshua Bardwell on Youtube
Progression Steps
Create a thread in #flightline-progression-program with your name as the title!
Complete WARG’s internal quiz
Let us know in the thread when you are complete, and we can tell you your score.
Participate in flight-tests and flight-test activities!
When ready, ping us in the thread for your evaluation!