Filtering application packages
- 1 Overview
Audience: Co-op hiring coordinators.
Tags: Resume, résumé.
This document provides a systematic method of filtering application packages from applicants.
Determine and weight the criteria:
Knowledge: Previous experience, projects
For example: Python experience, general programming experience
Drive: Desire to learn
Not sure how to get this information out of a résumé…
TODO Others??
Download the application packages from WaterlooWorks
Get the spreadsheet and upload to OneDrive
Add columns for the criteria
Score applicants
Have at least 2 members do this independently, each member does at least 2 passes
You can do whatever, a possible strategy is to do it by criteria (so every pass, pick the next criterion and go through all packages, then final pass for the top scoring packages)
Cover letters might be worth reading but generally found to be either generic or machine generated
Meet to discuss top choices of each member
Finalize top choices to interview list
5-10 recommended
Send interview emails: Conducting interviews