Filtering application packages

Filtering application packages


Audience: Co-op hiring coordinators.

Tags: Resume, résumé.

This document provides a systematic method of filtering application packages from applicants.



Determine and weight the criteria:

  • Knowledge: Previous experience, projects

    • For example: Python experience, general programming experience

  • Drive: Desire to learn

    • Not sure how to get this information out of a résumé…

  • Independence?

  • TODO Others??


Download the application packages from WaterlooWorks

Get the spreadsheet and upload to OneDrive

Add columns for the criteria

Score applicants

  • Have at least 2 members do this independently, each member does at least 2 passes

    • You can do whatever, a possible strategy is to do it by criteria (so every pass, pick the next criterion and go through all packages, then final pass for the top scoring packages)

  • Cover letters might be worth reading but generally found to be either generic or machine generated

Meet to discuss top choices of each member

Finalize top choices to interview list

  • 5-10 recommended

Send interview emails: Conducting interviews