Tracking Antenna Requirements

 Success metrics





Able to track in one-axis (yaw)

Visual confirmation of heading, comparison using logging data of antenna angle & drone position.

Able to track in two-axis (pitch/yaw)

Visual confirmation of heading, comparison using logging data of antenna angle & drone position.

Being able to accept different antennas & systems (including relays)

Ability to swap tracking antenna components to use different systems

Able to track for the entire duration of a flight window (long or short).


Ability to be anchored / tethered to the ground in adverse weather


Short startup / calibration sequence

Timed from cold start.

Weather Resistant


Untethered power & system-data input

No wires from the tracking antenna system to the groundstation computer.




  • Information input will be in MAVLink format from the groundstation (forwarded out of the groundstation)

  • Antennas will be either:

    • 900 patch

    • 1.3 patch

    • 2.4 yagi (dual)

  • Receivers will either be:

    • RFD900

    • 1.3 block

    • EE Gemini module

  • Some receivers may have relays

  • 5 and 12v power available at the antenna head.


Requirements / Constraints





Requirements / Constraints





Must be able to carry a payload up to 1kg

This would be the heaviest weight of antennas + batteries + relay


 Must allow for at least 2 360 degrees in either direction from startup position.

Being able to track the drone if it flies in a circle.



 Unlikely that we will need to complete multiple circles @ competition.

Must allow for 0-90 degree rotation in pitch





Must maintain heading when connection is lost (either gcs → antenna or drone → gcs)

antenna should be in position to re-establish link when the drone follows RTL procedure




Must be able to supply 5v and 12v power.

Common voltages used by onboard devices




One person must be able to setup the system in < 5 minutes

Time & resources on the flight window




Up to 2 primary antennas must be able to track the target simultaneously

Some transmitters use diversity




2 primary antennas must be able to maintain spatial separation of at least 10 centimetres





Up to 1 antenna must be able to mounted statically away from the tracking head

e.g. omni antenna




Up to 1 relay system must be able to be mounted statically away from the primary antennas





Must accept 3-6s battery power

Common batteries that WARG uses




Must be able to be transported easily and without damage to the equipment.










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